Sunday, 26 November 2017

Illuminati Handelssystem

Geschrieben von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 12. November 2011 - 01:22 Die Illuminati ist echt und ihre Mitglieder sind die Welt Eliten Führer und Reichen, die viel Kraft haben und ihr Ziel und Ziel ist auch die christliche Religion abzuschaffen und alles, was es steht Für eine neue Weltordnung. Über einen längeren Zeitraum haben sie allmählich die Köpfe der Menschen mit ihren Idealen und ihrer Agenda in einer sehr saftenden Weise konditioniert, so dass die Mehrheit der Menschen sie akzeptieren und glauben und ihre Wege in ihren Alltag umarmen wird. Sie sind Experten auf Propoganda, Lügen, Täuschung und Manipulation und tun es so so, dass die meisten Menschen glauben, dass sie gut sind und gut für die Welt usw. tun, da sie so sehr schlau und klug sind, dies zu tun, um die Leute so am meisten zu überzeugen Menschen sind wie Schafe und sind leicht geführt und sind bedingt, um zu glauben und denen in Macht oder Autorität zu vertrauen. Diejenigen, die auf 33 Grad Freimaurer Ebene sind unterzeichnen einen Pakt mit dem Teufel oder verkaufen ihre Seele zu Satan im Austausch für alle Dinge, die Anti-Christen sind und brechen jedes Gebot. Wir können schon sehen, dass die Moral und die Standards unserer Welt in einem rasanten Tempo zerfallen. Die Illuminaten verwenden und erzeugen Massenangst, indem sie Kriege anfangen und viel Blutvergießen, Konflikte sowie politische Unruhen verursachen und bewusst die Länder in Schulden stellen, um der Weltwirtschaft eine große Belastung zuzufügen, und das wiederum dazu führt, dass sich die Menschen unruhig und panisch fühlen und ein Sklave zu ihrem korrupten und bösen Sysytem, ​​sie mögen auch Leute in finanzielle Schulden zu sein, und Kriege macht großes Geld für sie. Mit Milliarden von Menschen, die in Angst auf diesem Planeten leben, gewinnen die Illuminaten Energie aus dieser Angst wie ein Vampir, der Blut von seinem Opferbeute abtropft, da ihr System auf Satan basiert und sie sind, um die Massen von Menschen zu kontrollieren und eine neue Weltordnung zu bilden Weltregierung, die nicht zu weit weg ist. Die meisten Leute glauben das nicht und denken, dass es ein Witz ist, weil es einfach zu gut scheint, um wahr zu sein, die Leute sind einfach nur hoodwinked und wissen es nicht, bis es zu spät ist. Die Schilder sind schon da draußen, Ärger ist in diesen Tagen die meisten Menschen sind in einer großen Eile und kann nicht sehen, die Wälder für die Bäume oder die offensichtlich. Geschrieben von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 12. November 2011 - 01:58 Die Weltführer, dh Präsidenten und Ministerpräsidenten und andere Menschen in Positionen der politischen Macht haben privvy oder streng geheime Informationen und Wissen, die sie schließlich den Menschen von die Welt. Die gleichen Führer wissen, dass die christliche Bibel und Religion ein Betrug ist und sie werden harte Beweise haben, um ihre Ansprüche zu unterstützen. Dies ist die Basis oder der Katalysator hinter der Einführung der NWO New World Order. Menschen, die studiert haben und Kenntnisse über die alten Geheimnisschulen haben, die auf esoterischen Lehren und Wissen basieren, kennen das seit vielen Jahrhunderten und die meisten der heutigen Weltführer wissen das auch und werden diese Erkenntnisse auf ihre NWO stützen. Es ist das Ende der alten Systemwege und der Beginn der neuen Systemwege, dh NWO. Dieses System wird Veganismus oder Vegetarismus zusammen mit Weltfrieden fördern und durch eine eine Weltregierung gibt es keine Kriege mehr. Das wird alles in den nächsten 50 Jahren möglich sein. Das Geheimnis und die Wahrheit von ufos und ets wird auch endlich bald enthüllt werden. Die Welt und ihre Menschen werden eine große Veränderungsrevolution für die Besserung aller Menschen erleben. Das gleiche System oder die Regierung an der Macht jetzt und in der Vergangenheit wurde in zu viele Kriege und Blutvergießen vor allem wegen der politischen und religiösen Beleif Vertrauen sowie Macht und Gier beteiligt. Sie können sehen, dass diese Art von System nicht funktioniert und sie haben von größeren Mächten aus anderen Welten erzählt worden, dass, wenn wir in dieser Weise fortsetzen werden, dann werden wir unsere Rasse und den Planeten zerstören, damit die Führer unserer Welt jetzt aufwachen und Wissen, dass sie drastische Änderungen vornehmen müssen, bevor es zu spät ist. Das ist der Grund, warum sie alle diese geheimen Treffen hinter verschlossenen Türen mit anderen Weltführern haben und keine Medien erlaubt sind. Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit, Panik oder Angst zu machen, da alle ein gutes Ergebnis für alle Menschen und den Planeten in der Zukunft sein werden. Eingereicht von M. I.C. KEY M. O. U. S. E (nicht überprüft) am 5. Februar 2012 - 20:10 Militärischer Industriekomplex K E Y Modus Operandus U S Wirtschaft Warum immer Weltherrschaft Warum ist der Schurke in Filmen, der die Weltherrschaft will, immer gesehen, eine Katze zu streicheln Infektionen verbreiten sich. Eine Infektion, die der Weltherrschaft nahe kommt, ist ein Parasit namens Toxoplasmose gondi. In Frankreich (Grand Orient Lodge), 80 der Bevölkerung zeigen positiv für Antikörper. In den meisten der Bevölkerung der Parasit verursacht dumbing unten. Wenn der Parasit in einem frühen Leben implantiert wird (Monarch-Programmierung, dh Pädophilie), schafft es Psychopathen, die menschliche Eigenschaften wie Empathie verlieren und ein eigenwilliges Verhalten schaffen, das mit der Kontrolle des Wirtes durch den Parasiten, seinen Bedürfnissen und seiner Ausbreitung verbunden ist Sex, Macht und eine Obsession mit Geld und Essen. Da der Gastgeber in Konflikt steht, arbeiten Psychopathen unter Täuschung und Schizophrenie und schaffen Systeme, die am besten für ihre eigene Art arbeiten. Der Konflikt, die Täuschung und die Schizophrenie bedeutet, dass sie Schauspieler sind, die Antworten geben, von denen sie glauben, dass sie gehört werden wollen und nicht aus Überzeugung. Aus diesem Grund neigen Psychopathen dazu, um und ah viel, Ausdruck widersprechende Ansichten und anfällig für Flip-Flopping. Die Kontrolle der Population durch Toxoplasmose-Infektion kann mit dem verglichen werden, was bei Mäusen passiert, wenn sie infiziert sind, anstatt von Katzen zu laufen, stattdessen aktiv Katzen zu essen und den Parasitenzyklus im Magen der Katze wieder aufzurufen (vgl. Monarch-Programmierung). Damit der militärische Industriekomplex effektiv arbeitet (für die wenigen), müssen die Psychopathen frei betrieben werden. Ein weiteres idiosynkratisches Verhalten, das mit Psychopathen verbunden ist, ist die Tendenz, auf den Underdog zu zielen. Die armen, die entrechteten, die schwachen Und der Respekt von ihren Kollegen vom bösen Kudos. Charlie Chaplin im Großen Diktator beschrieb sie als unnatürlich. Sie betreiben aus geheimen Gesellschaften. Geschrieben von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 10. Juni 2012 - 00:05 Freimaurer ist ein Oberbegriff für das Wort Narr. Das ist, warum die geplante NWO ein Narrenparadies ist. Kommunismus auf einer größeren Skala. BTW alle Top-Level (in weltlichen Begriffen) Freemasniacs sind klinisch verrückt. Sein ein erforderliches Merkmal für den Job. Andernfalls konnten sie nicht damit fertig werden, unzählige Schrecken, Leiden und Armut auf die Mehrheit der Weltenpopulationen zu bringen. Schließlich sind diejenigen, die von ihnen regiert werden, unwissenden Sklaven. Dies sind die einzigen Menschen, die sie beherrschen können. Erzogen, aktualisiert und verjüngt im Herrn Jesus Christus. Eingereicht von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 23. Juli 2012 - 13:34 Was kostet der coolaid wie du Jungs bist verrückt Thew Freimaurer arnt versuchen, die Welt zu kontrollieren, wenn Sie so viel Zeit in Ihre Gemeinde zu helfen, als es hier zu verbringen, um den Leuten zu erzählen, dass Sie tatsächlich mehr wie ein Maurer sein würden, als Sie es zugeben würden. Eingestellt von DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES (nicht überprüft) am 3 August 2012 - 04:54 Mehr wie keine nennen sie sie Juden. DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES: Wenn eine Regierung Terrorismus verboten hat, plant sie etwas, für das Terrorismus der einzige Rückgriff ist. Offensichtlich. Eingereicht von Terk (nicht überprüft) am 18. September 2012 - 14:46 Interessante Liste. Ich habe ein paar Kichern aus diesem. . Allerdings glaube ich, dass es mit Neid einer Person Popularität oder Talent zu tun hat, die Menschen dazu bringt, solche Dinge gegen andere zu sagen. Eingestellt von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 29. September 2012 - 16:34 Lassen Sie mich hinzufügen, wenn möglich ahmadinijad. Eingereicht von Kesheva (nicht überprüft) am 7. Oktober 2012 - 09:42 Die Freimaurerei und andere Verbände sind mit guten Absichten geboren, um einen stärkeren Macht-Usurpator zu bekämpfen. Wie die übrigen Dinge, gab es die Degeneration, und diese Unternehmen wurden als ein Zentrum der Macht, wie viele Religionen ausgenutzt. Eines der Werkzeuge dieser Charaktere ist die Federal Reserve. Die einzige Bank, die Geld druckt und Interessen entscheidet. Totale Kontrolle. Einer von Kennedy war sich dieser Supermacht bewusst. Er nahm dieses Privileg an die Fed, und zum ersten Mal druckt er Geld als USA. Kurz nachdem er getötet wurde. Und alles andere dreht sich wie vorher. Sehen Sie den Film Zeitgeist, die Finanzierung und Wirtschaft. Diese Gentlemen, durch die Macht der Fed haben Fehler von Menschen und Unternehmen verursacht, Aneignung alles. Sie investierten dann in die Öl - und Rüstungsindustrie, wobei sie die Kontrolle über die Banken und die Medien hatten, auch beschlossen, wer regieren würde, nicht mehr brauchen, um Kriege zu machen, was Sie mit der Finanzierung tun. Unter den Katastrophen, die von denen verursacht wurden, die immer die Fed und ihre Verbündeten kontrolliert haben, gibt es: den Ersten Weltkrieg, die Krise von 1920, den Zweiten Weltkrieg, den Vietnamkrieg, die Kriege für Öl, 11. September. Mit dem Verlust der wahren Werte der guten Manieren, der Ethik, hat Ignoranz uns die Rechnung vorgelegt. Es ist Zeit, aufzustehen und die ganze Wahrheit wird erleuchtet. Eines der Dinge, das sich absolut ändern muss, ist nicht mehr für unsere Entscheidungen zu delegieren: Lobby, politische Parteien, Verbände und Persönlichkeiten Die Bürger müssen sich aktiv an Entscheidungen ihrer Regierungen beteiligen, den Antrag auf eine Stellungnahme oder ein Referendum proaktives Gesetz einleiten oder aufheben. So kann eine Demokratie geboren werden. Und denken Sie daran, dass wir die 99 Nichts ist unmöglich, als Sie sind, was Sie denken Geschrieben von Kesheva (nicht überprüft) am 7. Oktober 2012 - 09:59 Wir können einem Kind Angst vor der Dunkelheit vergeben. Die wirkliche Tragödie des Lebens ist, wenn Männer Angst vor Licht haben. (Plato) Eingestellt von Kesheva (nicht überprüft) am 7. Oktober 2012 - 10:16 Einige Familiennamen, die direkt oder indirekt die Fed: Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazards, Moses Seif, JP Morgan kontrollieren. Eingestellt von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 2. September 2014 - 15:33 Ich denke nicht, dass die Königin ein Freimaurer ist. Geschrieben von aajayunlimited (nicht überprüft) am 4. November 2014 - 01:27 Erhalten Sie recht mit Jesus Christus von Nazareth entsprechend der König James Version Bibel. Hes der einzige Weg. Die Bibel ist die prophetische Roadmap. Diese Leute (illuminati) haben nur 7 Jahre, wenn alles beginnt. Die Hölle ist eine Ewigkeit, in einer dunklen Lava-Bett-wie, Dürre und wahrscheinlich rauchig und faul zu sein. Jede böse Persönlichkeit in der Lebensgeschichte wird dort sein - auch der Teufel und seine höchsten Engel. Sie werden wahrscheinlich in der Lage sein, Sie mit all den anderen unvorstellbar schlechten Sachen zu quälen, die los sind. Es scheint, als ob wir in einer Zeit sein können, wo all dies stattfinden kann. Viele dieser Leute glauben an den Wert einer Ausbildung. Sie glauben auch an die Bibelprophezeiung oder sie würden sich nicht damit auseinandersetzen. Nun, Handel 7 Jahre bis zu 110 Jahren (einige Leute leben eine lange Zeit in den Lebensstil) der schwer verfallenden Erde, wo Körper für eine Ewigkeit in Perfektion zerfallen ist nicht schlau, wenn youre Forrest Gump Bitte versuchen Sie, Ihr Leben mit Jesus Christus von Nazareth jetzt Sei nicht mit dem Ultimatum konfrontiert, um uns anzuschließen oder zu sterben - das Zeichen des Tieres zu nehmen oder zu sterben. Was ist, wenn Sie falsch darüber sind, dass es keinen Gott gibt oder sagt, dass es nicht bewiesen werden kann. Es ist zu komplex, um zu sagen, dass das nicht so ist. Schauen Sie nach Info darüber, ob Abraham, Moses, David, Jesaja, Jeremia, Daniel, Jesus Christus, Peter, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes (von Offenbarungen, glaube ich) oder Paulus nicht auf. Wenn sie wohnten, dann musst du sagen, dass du falsch sein kannst. Wie sieht das Lebewesen aus, wie geht es weiter, wie leben Lebewesen die Nachkommenschaft, wie leben Lebewesen die Welt, wie leben Lebewesen das Flugzeug so effizient bearbeiten, wie sind Lebewesen so komplex, dass komplexe Maschinen wie einfach sind Spielzeug im Vergleich, wie sind einige Lebewesen Raubtiere, während andere Pflanzenfresser und einige Allesfresser sind, wie pflanzen Pflanzen immer wieder anders als andere Lebewesen, wie entstehen Wetterformationen und Naturkatastrophen natürlich, wie leben Lebewesen so gut, wenn sie nur lebten Auf natürliche Dinge, um sie zu erhalten, wie können sie sich ausruhen und erholen, wie können Lebewesen Gedanken denken, wie erinnern sie sich an Dinge ohne Gedächtnischips, wie leben Lebewesen, wie können Lebewesen Emotionen fühlen, wie leben Lebewesen in verschiedenen Richtungen, wie können die Dinge auf der Erde in einer Gravitationsumgebung leben, wie können Lebewesen keine Kohlendioxidkopien sein, wie kann der Mensch alles tun, ohne sich zu verkürzen, was schon hier war, wie war die Sonne, der Mond, die Sterne usw. geschaffen und wie Sind sie in der Umlaufbahn unaufhörlich geblieben, wie kollisionen zwischen himmlischen Körpern die Kollision mit der Erde die meiste Zeit, wie geht die Sonne im Osten auf und setzt sich im Westen, usw. Man - sogar 100 mal mächtiger - wäre schwer Gedrückt, um alles auf dieser Liste zu tun. Die Dinge sind zu komplex, um dort keinen Gott zu sein. Untersuche beide Argumente Was auch immer Schlussfolgerung Ihr gesunder Menschenverstand sagt Ihnen. Das ist was du tust Ehrlich gesagt, wenn die Bibel die Wahrheit ist und da ist ein Gott, dann was für eine andere Schlussfolgerung kannst du mir sagen, dass Jesus Christus von Nazareth der Herr ist. Bitte lesen Sie die KJV Bibel für sich selbst und folgen Sie ihm. Geschrieben von AnonymousTony Assassin (nicht überprüft) am 26. November 2014 - 08:37 Es scheint, dass nicht viele Leute wirklich die Rolle des Mauerwerks im göttlichen Schachspiel verstehen. Die Bruderschaft, zusammen mit den geheimen magickalen Gesellschaften wie dem O. T.O. Und die goldene Dämmerung sind die Soldaten Gottes Es ist naiv zu glauben, dass die katholisch-christliche Kirche frei von Mauerwerk ist und dagegen steht. Denken Sie daran, die Ritter Templar waren eine christliche Gruppe und obwohl Papst Clemens versucht, es zu zerstören, legte er es einfach in eine unterirdische Position, so dass es seine Arbeit unbemerkt machen könnte. Die Religion aller Farben ist der Betreuer der Geheimgesellschaften, da man sich mit der offenen Manipulation des Volkes und den anderen Verstecken hinter den Kulissen beschäftigt, die genau die gleiche Arbeit machen. Blick auf Religions-Rituale und du siehst Magick mit einem K-Mauerwerk und die Magickal-Gesellschaften nennen ihre Arbeit das Große Werk der Zeitalter und die Religionen nennen ihre Arbeit Götter Arbeit - das ist nicht anders Soweit deine Forschung geht Albert Pike war der Chef der internationalen Freimaurerei und 33. Grad Mason of the Scottish Rite (check out Morals und Dogma) als für seine Mitgliedschaft in den Illuminaten, während ich nicht zustimmen Ich habe nicht nachvollziehbare Beweise gefunden, aber lassen Sie es Gesicht, nachdem die Illuminati wurde in den 1790er Jahren wurde es ernsthaft unter Tage und es ist praktisch aufgelöst Unmöglich zu verifizieren whois ein Mitglied. Wir können nur hypothesize Danke für die Liste Es war eine Hilfe zu meiner Arbeit Eingereicht von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am 4. Juli 2016 - 12: 40Die Illuminaten Dies ist ein riesiges geopsychopolitisches Bild und die Dinge passieren mit der Verwendung von unterschwelligen indirekten Umgekehrte psychologische propaganda Es ist verwirrt durch die Evilarchie, die nicht nur die Vereinigten Staaten aber Großbritannien kontrolliert. Der Dokumentarfilm illustriert, wie diese Illuminaten Diese Gruppe, die sich die Erleuchteten nennt, hatte durch die Kontrolle des Bankensystems Machtpositionen gewonnen. Milliarden von Menschen auf dem Planeten Erde leben in Unwissenheit. Vor Ihren Augen sind die Politiker einen globalen Plan voran. Seit der Zeit Napoleons haben Geheimgesellschaften die Politiker beeinflusst, Europa zu übernehmen und zu erobern. Jetzt, im 21. Jahrhundert, kommt ihre Zeitarbeit zum Tragen. Die neue Weltordnung geht es um die Zentralisierung der Macht. Es geht darum, irgendeine öffentliche Kritik am System zu schweigen. Es geht darum, alles als Produkt zu vermarkten und zu verkaufen. Es geht darum, China dazu zu bringen, Studenten zu foltern und ihnen noch die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Olympischen Spiele zu veranstalten. Es geht darum, staatlich besetzte Schulen und Krankenhäuser zu schließen, sie in Wohnungen zu verwandeln und dann private Unternehmen davon abzuhalten, Ihre Kinder zu unterrichten oder Drogen zu verkaufen. Die Geheimgesellschaften und politischen Organisationen, die die Neue Weltordnung führen, verwenden verschiedene Symbole und Zahlen. Sobald du deine Geheimsprache lernst, wirst du auch das Allsehende Auge haben. Mehr große Dokumentarfilme 215 Kommentare User Reviews Transcend Illuminati Illusion Vielen Dank für die tolle Post. Die Illuminaten verlieren an Boden und sie sind am Rande des Fallens. Wir müssen diese Informationen weiter ausbreiten und die Massen aufwachen, und sie werden sich Gedanken machen, danke für die Entsendung dieses auch. Ich frage mich oft, wie können wir dieses Problem wirklich umkehren, ich (besonders) denke darüber nach, wie viele Leute dieses Thema nicht ernst nehmen, deshalb scheint die Agenda an Dynamik zu gewinnen. Wenn es einen Dokumentarfilm da draußen mit diesen Antworten gibt, hoffe ich, dass Sie hier finden und posten. Wieder - danke für deine aufschlussreiche Idee, diese Website zu erstellen. Ich persönlich schätze es sehr (sehr) viel. Kein Problem kein Name. Die Sammlung von Dokumentationen bei TDF wird weiter wachsen. In der Tat Im bekommen E-Mails fast jeden Tag von den Besuchern, um besonders Dokumentarfilme hinzuzufügen, die sie mögen. Ich kann das Tempo nicht weiter halten, aber ich mache mein Bestes. Wach aufwachen-ähnliches, aber länger und mit mehr Beweisen. Ich weiß nicht, ob es auf dieser Seite auch ist. Es ist großartig. Ive total von diesen Dokumentarfilmen verzaubert, da jemand einen Beitrag zu Yahoo-Kommentaren gemacht hat und auf hier Bezug genommen hat. Ich habe in den vergangenen Paaren nur selten das Fernsehen gesehen, da es mich kaum zum Lachen gebracht hat. Schließlich ein Ort, um einige Gedanken zu stimulieren, ist diese Seite, wo bekommt man meine Dosis von Wissen. Natürlich muss jeder Dokumentarfilm mit einem kritischen Verstand bei der Arbeit beobachtet werden, aber es gibt höchstwahrscheinlich einige Wahrheit für viele dieser Einsichten. Zumindest zeigen diese, dass die historischen Versionen, die wir verkauft haben, manchmal nur zu viele Unstimmigkeiten haben, um als Tatsache akzeptiert zu werden. Du weißt, dass du das alles in einigen Büchern der Bibel finden kannst, sie sind Daniel und die Offenbarung schauen sie aus. Gott verlässt die Welt nicht, um zufällig alles in der Prophezeiung zu führen. Dieses Buch sagt, wer der Kopf des illuminati Hinweis Hinweis ist . Rom. Jeder mit ein wenig Gehirn sollte mit ihnen geknallt werden shake nach dem watchin dies. Ich frage mich, was passieren wird, wenn ich mich unterschreibe (die freie Mitgliedschaft nur natürlich meine Taschen r leer) an den Ritterfreemason-Seiten und frage sie, warum das verbotene Wort verboten ist. Werde meine behaarten ein in Gefahr sein, also denkst du, dass die Illuminaten durch eine solche Publikation beschädigt werden. Amateure Dieser Film ist eigentlich aus den Gründen verbreitet und von den Illuminaten genehmigt. Das ist besser unangekündigt. Danke für die nützlichen Infos. Es ist so interessant Dies ist soooo wahr und traurig. Die meisten Menschen haben keine ideea, wer hinter dem Präsidenten ist. Und darf ich sagen, ich bin aus Rumänien, wo unser eigener Präsident stolz angekündigt hat, dass er ein Maurer im öffentlichen Fernsehen ist. Es wird ein Massaker sein, wenn wir die neue Weltordnung erreichen und allmählich wird öffentlich sein. Was können wir tun Menschen verehren Präsidenten und religeon. Und sie sind die schlimmsten von allen So traurig ich habe die Hoffnung, dass das, was im Jahr 2012 passieren wird, das Erwachen und wie unser Gehirn wird anders funktionieren wird diese Verschwörung zu stoppen, ich glaube, sie werden scheitern, wenn jeder bewusst wird, sein eigenes Bewusstsein und Mind Power Watch DIE ANKOMMEN auf YouTube. Oder wo immer du es finden kannst. ITS alles tiefer als du vielleicht denkst .. Wie können wir diesem Film vertrauen, wie wissen wir, dass dieser Film nicht nur eine andere Manipulation durch eine andere Geheimgesellschaft ist. Woher wissen wir, dass die Illuminaten nicht so Filme machen, dass wir mit falschen Informationen glauben Propoganda Wie wissen wir, dass dieser Film selbst kein TYP OF MIND CONTROL ist. WIE KÖNNEN MENSCHEN VON KEINEN POWER ODER POSITION KÖNNEN SOLCHE HOHE LEVELS VON INFORMATIONEN. WENN ICH EIN SELBST EINE GEHEIMNIS ZU DIESEN GESELLSCHAFTEN WERDEN, WERDEN SIE IHNEN BESTE, DASS SIE EIN GEHEIMNIS ZU HALTEN. UND WENN DIESE INFORMATIONEN GENAUIG WERDEN. WAS ALS NÄCHSTES. Toller Film, gut recherchierte und äußerst wichtige Infos zu abc123 (und anderen Skeptikern dieses Dokuments), auch wenn dieser Film ein TYP OF MIND CONTROL war, verändert sich die Welt sehr schnell zum Schlechteren. Auch wenn du nicht in die magischen Geheimgesellschaften und die jahrhundertealte Mystik kaufst, auch wenn du nicht denkst, dass Demokraten, Republikaner, königliche Familien und große Autoritätsfiguren auf der ganzen Welt nicht für die gleichen Interessen arbeiten, kannst du nicht leugnen, dass die wenigen Eliten, die Entscheidungen über Krieg und Wirtschaftspolitik treffen, haben nicht das beste Interesse der Menschen oder der Erde im Auge. Es kann sehr viel sein, um sofort zu nehmen. Aber bedenkt, dass alle großen Zivilisationen vom Anfang der Zeit alle ein gemeinsames Ziel hatten: die Welt zu erobern. Wir können nicht denken, dass wir in einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft leben, in der rationale Menschen rationale Entscheidungen treffen und dabei das Wohlergehen aller berücksichtigen. Diese Art des Denkens ist die Geistesteuerung, die, wie sie im Film sagen, der größte Schutz ist, den diese Geheimgesellschaften haben. Wenn du aufwachst und deinen Verstand auf die Möglichkeit öffnest, dass das alles möglich ist, fehlen riesige Stücke eines sehr großen und sehr dunklen Puzzles. Whew, dieser doc hat mich alle gefeuert Ich war wirklich genossen zu beobachten, aber um 10 Minuten in mir erkannte ich kann ich nicht gleichzeitig lesen und lesen. sehr nervig. Wäre mit der Erzählung besser gewesen. Dieser doc ist Quatsch, nutzt faktische Dinge von keinem Verhältnis, um einige dumme Behauptungen zu unterstützen, die von dem ablenken, was wirklich geschieht, und ich kann sicher sagen, dass ich lieber nicht wissen, weil sein Quatsch Sehr ähnlich wie die Zietgiests Dokumentarfilme, krank, traurig und deprimierend. Der Hauptgrund der Welt ist nicht, wie wir alle wollen, dass es zu sein, ist wegen dieser Macht verrückt Mutter Flipper. Es scheint mir sehr moronisch zu sein, eine Sache für eine kleine Minderheit, die Welt zu kontrollieren, aber um noch einige verstrickte religiöse Einweihungen zu haben, ist äußerst bizarr. Aber ich denke, das ist nur Religion. Dude, wenn Sie das gefährlichste Spiel über Cathy OBriens Erfahrung als MKultra Sex Sklave hochladen könnte Sie Gott in meinem Kopf werden. Danke für die beste Doc Website gehen Ich bin auch sehr dankbar für die Dokumentarfilme gepostet. Besonders in vollem Umfang. Nichts mehr aufgeregt dann versuchen, zusammen ein youtube oder google vid. Ich bin beeindruckt von der Menge der großen Titel und Themen abgedeckt, und haben diese Website in meinem Top Ten aufgeführt. Wenn ich aber so kühn sein mag, könnte ich auf ein sehr ernstes und höchst übersehenes Thema hinweisen, das für das Verständnis der gesamten IlluminatiFreemasonNew AgeNWO Verschwörung an seiner Wurzel absolut lebenswichtig ist. Die erste Ursache der ganzen Bewegung und ihre endgültige Kulmination, die sich mindestens bis zu Adam Weishaupt zurückzieht, ist natürlich die Gesellschaft Jesu, wie die Jesuiten. Es ist eine traurige Tatsache, dass alle Wege nach Rom führen, und wenn wir jemals das volle Bild in diesem riesigen Puzzle fassen, muss es mit Ignatius Loyola (ein anerkanntes Mitglied der Illumbrados (spanische Illuminati) und Gründer dieser berüchtigten Sekte beginnen Von Vipern, Erben der Templer-Tradition (Ancient Mysteries amp Luciferic Doctrine) und beugte sich auf die Beendigung der ReformationRenaissance und Wiederherstellung der Dunklen Zeitalter der päpstlichen Cäsaren, die mit Vigilius begann, Thanx wieder TruthFreedom wirklich Angst vor Anti-Jesus Gesellschaft Freimaurer ive gestoppt wachting Tv vor langer jahr, über ein jahr vor zwei jahren Ich hasse es, wie du alles bekommen musst und alles aufpassen, um mit dem Rest der Welt zu sein. Ich hasse die Tatsache, dass Geld die Welt umgibt und wenn du es nicht hast Ich denke, die Menschheit ist die niedrigste und die gierigste Sache, die auf diesem Planeten lebendig ist, ich sage das Ding, weil die meisten von uns nichts als eine Nummer auf einigen großen Schusslisten sind und es gibt nichts, was wir dagegen tun werden Die meisten von uns haben nichts als Dollarsigns in ihren Augen, die wir nicht interessieren, wenn wir Menschen, Tiere oder den Planeten verletzen, solange wir bekommen, was wir wollen und sogar als es nicht genug ist. Wir alle sind schuldig für die Vergewaltigung von allem Leben und Schönheit auf diesem Planeten. Das ist eine Zeitverschwendung, die sowieso hört. Die Erhabenen müssen gestoppt werden, je besser desto besser Es tut mir leid, aber wenn du dir selbst glaubst, was du geschrieben hast, hättest du hier nichts geschrieben und geschrieben. Aber keine Sorge - Theres immer jemand, der hört. Cheers amp dont let, dass Depression Sie bekommen Sie nur danke wtc 7, sorry ich didnt bedeuten, dass. Was, wenn jemand Ihnen sagte, dass die Welt, die sie beschreiben, sehr sehr real ist und dass Geister, Götter und Teufel wirklich existieren würden Sie lachen vielleicht glauben oder brauchen Sie echten Beweis, was wenn manche Leute sie sehen können, sie fühlen. Was würdest du tun Du weißt, wenn du in einem biblischen Sinne denkst, wenn genug von ihnen den Satan runter rufen, denkst du nicht, dass er kommen wird. Ich habe eine Bibel in den Händen durch die erste Doku - Lese nur alle diese Beiträge. es ist alles gut. Gut zu sehen, alle abwechslungsreichen Meinungen (sp) Ich denke, seine sehr gesund (für uns alle) und ich muss sagen, taz Ihre Post (die lange) wirklich blies mich zurück in meinem Stuhl. Es war ich den ganzen Weg durch. Dh ich beende t. v. Vor langer Zeit, seine verwerfenden gedankenlosen Müll (News eingeschlossen), Geld ist ein notwendiges Übel, weiß nicht, Jonesor Smiths noch ich beabsichtige, mit em zu halten, sind die Tiere viel besser geeignet, auf dieser Erde zu leben, als wir Menschen sind ( Vor allem marine Leben) und nein, das Schreiben ist nicht eine Verschwendung taz ich hörte ya und im sicher andere auch so gut. Jetzt, wenn wir nur die Illuminaten bekommen könnten, um wegzugehen, würden wir alle besser dran sein. Ive lesen und studiert viel über sie im letzten Jahr oder so und sie sind in der Tat eine klare und gegenwärtige Gefahr für uns alle. Sie waren schon lange in einer oder anderen Form. Und es ist gruselig, darüber nachzudenken, was böse sie tun können (und tun), solange mein Verstand klingen, krank in der Lage sein zu denken und meine Freiheit zu halten. Seit Jahren behaupten die Westler, dass die muslimischen Menschen der Antichrist sind. Jetzt wird klar, dass ihre eigenen Regierungen (US NATO NORAD Israel) der Antichrist sind. Für alle ihr Christen da draußen, weißt du was du mit dir machst. Schlimmsten noch, sie benutzen deine Brüder, Schwestern, Söhne amp Töchter, um bald zu schlachten. Bis jetzt sehe ich keinen Widerruf von dir oder stehe noch gegen die Tyrannei. Was für eine Schande, dass du dich ein Land des freien Verstärkers nach Hause der Mutigen nennst. Leute, es wäre klug, nicht zu berechnen, was abc1 gesagt hat. Er hat einen guten Punkt, die Illuminati ist definitiv eine riesige, kraftvolle Kraft und betreibt viele Desinformationsprogramme wie gesagt. Desinformation bezieht sich nicht nur auf diejenigen, die havent aufgewacht haben, sondern auch diejenigen, die glauben, dass sie einen Verstand auf die Wahrheit haben, irreführen. Halten Sie auf Objektivität, wenn Sie diese Docs veiwing und akzeptieren, dass die wenigen, die wissen, sind die innerhalb des Systems und an der Spitze. Um Ihren absoluten Glauben an einige dieser Dokumentationen zu setzen, könnte gleichbedeutend mit einer anderen Form der Hypnose sein. Die Regierungen wissen, dass Informationen kreisen, glaube nicht alles, um Tatsache zu sein. Die Menschen haben glaubt und erzählt, dass sie Tausende von Jahren an Tatsachen glauben. Wie wäre es, wenn wir anfangen, uns für eine Veränderung zu denken. Pls verbinden die landlose Bauernpartei und helfen uns, die Kontrolle über unser Land zu nehmen. Sie machen nichts mehr. Die Landlose Bauernpartei ist eine neue politische Partei, die die Ansichten und Bestrebungen der Landlosen Bauern in Großbritannien darstellt. Das Vereinigte Königreich ist nicht unsere Nation. Wir besitzen es nicht, das Land der Nation wird nicht zu unserem Vorteil oder in unserem Namen gehalten. Von dem Tag an, an dem wir geboren sind, sind wir Bauern, ohne Recht auf das Wesen unserer Nation. Dennoch sind wir gelobt zu arbeiten, zahlen Steuern, kämpfen und wenn nötig sterben, um es zu verteidigen. Wir haften für die Schulden unserer Nation, wir sind die Masse der Leute, von denen das Geschäft seine Gewinne extrahiert. Wir leben in den 24 Millionen Häusern auf 7 des Landes, unfähig, von unseren eigenen Mitteln zu leben. Wir haben wenig Auswahl, aber an der wirtschaftlichen Sklaverei teilzunehmen. Unser Grundbedürfnis für Unterschlupf muss von den Marktkräften bereitgestellt werden, die unsere Häuser zu uns für so viel Gewinn liefern, wie der Markt tragen kann. Diese Häuser sind nicht für Sie gebaut, um zu leben, sie sind für Sie gebaut, um nach der Arbeit zu schlafen. Sie haben keine Mittel, um Energie zu machen, es gibt wenig oder keine Möglichkeit, Ihr Essen zu wachsen. Stattdessen wird unser Essen aus der ganzen Welt geflogen, im industriellen Maßstab mit der billigen Arbeit anderer Bauern in anderen Ländern hergestellt. Unsere Energie wird von sehr profitablen multinationalen Konzernen mit großem Aufwand für uns und die Erde getragen. Auch die Wasserversorgung macht große Gewinne. Unser Leben wurde auf eine Sammlung von Versorgungsrechnungen reduziert und was wir tun, um Geld zu verdienen Vielen Dank für diesen Dokumentarfilm. Seit ich sah (vor etwa 2 Monaten) habe ich versucht, Leute zu überzeugen, es zu sehen. Die meisten von ihnen beschrifteten mich als verrückt und als ein anderer Verschwörungstheoretiker. Es muss eine Möglichkeit geben, diese Art von Dokumenten für alle in der Welt zu zeigen. Wie kann ich so viele Leute überzeugen, wie ich kann. Es ist heute schwer, unwissenden Gehirnwäsche Menschen zu überzeugen, dass die Welt, wie sie es wissen, nicht wahr ist. Ich denke, wir sollten erfahrene Hacker überzeugen, in die Systeme der großen Medienkanäle zu hacken und die WAHRHEIT dem Mainstream-Publikum zu zeigen. Seine Zeit zum Boykott der Illuminati Zuerst einmal, id wie zu sagen, dass ich das Gefühl, dass es etwas ernsthaft falsch mit der Welt ist. Aus diesem Grund habe ich als Hobby etwas von meinem eigenen Reaserch gemacht. Auch als jemand, der 15 Jahre im Marine Corps gedient hat, fühle ich mich im Glück, etwas mehr Einblick zu haben als die meisten. Ich habe viele merkwürdige Dinge gesehen, die Regierungsmitglieder fähig sind. Mein Verstand ist noch offen für andere Vorschläge und Einsicht. Der Teil, den ich am meisten Ärger habe, ist, egal was du denkst, geht weiter, die Info, auf die du basierst, kommt aus dem Govt. Mit anderen Worten, du tust was sie wollen. Die govt Gewinnt und was noch wichtiger ist, wir die Bürger werden es am meisten tun, um in die neue Weltordnung einzutreten. Dies beginnt bei der UNO und der EU, aber nicht in den USA oder Großbritannien mit Ausnahme der Geheimdienste. Dies wird nicht von großen Unternehmen und Industrie manipuliert. Dies ist ein marxistischer Un - und EU-Plan. Der Beweis ist die absolute Dummheit der so genannten globalen Erwärmung Schafe aus Europa und einige hier in den USA. Es geht um die Kontrolle der Ressourcen und die grüne Bewegung wird der Grund der Govt sein. gelingt es. Wake up Knöchel Köpfe. Ich hörte auf zu schauen nach dem ersten vid. Ich hasse wirklich dokumenten, die den Soundtrack benutzen, um Angst oder Unbehagen zu begeistern. Es verliert die glaubwürdigkeit dafür. Ich glaube, dass es eine Kraft hinter einigen Weltführern gibt, aber dieses Dokument wird nur noch weit hergeholt, wie es weitergeht. Ich habe einen der britischen Jungs gesehen, die alles von ufo s zu der vermeintlichen gefälschten Mondlandung interviewt haben. Er scheint sich oft auf einem zu zeigen Breite Palette von weit hergeholten Fächern. Ich glaube nichts, was er sagt. Menschen im Allgemeinen wollen einfach nur an etwas glauben, sei es die erleuchtete, Religion, ufos, 2012 Stiergeschichten, Xenu und sein böses galaktisches Imperium. Die Liste könnte den ganzen Tag fortsetzen. Der amerikanische Dollarschein ist das einzige Ding, das dem ersten Vid ein Bein gibt, um zu stehen, meiner Meinung nach natürlich. Wenn die von Ihnen das wirklich glauben, dass diese Verschwörung es ernst meint, warum gehst du nicht auf und mach etwas, um Skeptiker zu erleuchten Wie ich Genug Leute konnten den Palast stürmen und Videoband die satanischen Beweise, die du dort findest. Die Welt und du wirst der Vergeltung für solch heroische Handlungen entkommen. Wenn es so weit verbreitet ist, wie die behaupteten behaupten, dann ist der Beweis nicht vollständig versteckt. Get up and take action, nicht nur schaffen rühren um die lokale Kneipe. for the past two months Ive been telling people about the illuminati. Most of them didnt believe me because they believe that conspiracy theories are just well-made-up-stories. Now Im pro-marijuana. From what Ive learned about life by reading books and watching lectures of Jiddu Krishnamurti (a realist, who has seen the truth and was truly enlightened) Ive come to terms that anything is possible on this planet of ours. I believe that if everybody reads and understands what Krishnamurti was saying, everybody will be enlightened and live a peaceful and happy life. He says that in order to live in a peaceful and happy world, we must understand ourselves by analyzing your own action every moment of the day. By analyzing yourself, youll find out who you are as a person. And ones you understand yourself, you are capable of understanding LIFE. By analyzing the behavior of everything you see. He realized that there is no need for education in our life, because life, from the moment we are born until the moment we die, is a process of learning. By accepting everyone and everything for what it is, we will be able to understand it. For example, when going to school as a child youre forced to learn how to concentrate on your work. If you get distracted by a bird outside the class window the teacher will immediately tell you to focus on your book. Krishnamurti says No, why not just focus on that bird outside instead. Why the need to learn how economics work, doesnt that just lead to chaos and misery in the end Focus on that bird instead, watch carefully how it functions. This is the only way you will understand it and truly respect it. Ones we learn how to respect every living organism on this planet, we are capable of respecting each other, and well realize that everything we have achieved so far as humans (economics, physics, money etc. etc.) was unnecessary because we dont need all those things to live a happy and peaceful life. This man saw the truth when he was in his 20s. He has lived a peaceful happy life since then, and has been trying to spread the word of the truth since then. He says he cannot explain what the truth is, because the truth is unexplainable, you have to see it for yourself. And the only way to do that is to understand and respect everything on this planet. Now my theory about his happy life is, that he was in a constant ecstasy, since he saw the truth. What I mean is that he was in a state of high-ness for the rest of his life. We get this feeling when we smoke marijuana. Because when I smoke marijuana I become peaceful and enjoy everything at that moment. Have you ever noticed how youre living in the moment when youre high How youre focussed on anything you see If you have a dog, arent you paying more attention to his or her behavior. I caught myself watching my dog for 15 minutes, and then realized that when were high we go back to our primary state of being, as biologically, living creatures. Now its a fact that animals live in the moment. They dont worry about the past and the future like we do. We live in the past. We use our knowledge of the past to plan our next move for the future. Same thing with religion. We live a good life now, we force ourselves to discipline the religion were following because we want to live a better life when we die. But if you ask someone: have you ever seen heaven have you ever heard, felt, seen God They say no or they come up with a dream they had about it. Why live your life for a better life when you die Why not just live for right now. That said, I had an idea of how I could convince someone of the truth. But I wasnt sure if it was going to work. I got high with one of my friends who at first told me that what I was telling him was Bullshit. When we got high I told him the story again, and he was fascinated and scared. According to him everything made sense and he actually believes it now. The next day after he came down from his highness, he called me up and said that he was still amazed about whats going on in the world. Since then hes been looking up more information about it and telling people about it. I can honestly say that after reading and researching about Krishnamurti and applying his idea about life, that Ive seen the truth he was talking about, I understand everything I see, hear and feel. My memory has gotten better, and Im able to understand something I didnt understand before. I woke up in shock yesterday because in my dream I realized that the movie Fight Club, is about krishnamurtis ideas, put into action. Of course if you have seen the movie youll think that his ideas are basically turning people into terrorists. But once you understand krishnamurtis ideas, youll understand the so-called terrorists of fight club. The movie is also a radical solution for the economic crisis. This movie showed a solution that couldve prevented the economic crisis right now. They blew up credit card companies, which meant that no one had a debt anymore. That way the government wouldnt be able to control us. Because if you look at it logically and realistically youll understand how the financial system works: you control the debts, you control EVERYTHING. Dont tell anyone to do something about this secret societys control over us. Instead its better to understand life and respect one another, only then all of us will see the truth and wake up. Which in turn will be the downfall of the governments as we know it. This isnt some ideology people, this is evolution. If we want a world-revolution, we must radically change our way of thinking. There has to be a revolution within us, before there can be a revolution all over the world. Because once there is a revolution within us, we will evolve as species. Only then are we able to discover other living planets or biologically living species from other planets or galaxies (for example). I also believe that these other biologically living species from other planets have already visited (and are still visiting) our planet. Signs of it are in the ancient writings of ancient civilizations all over the world. And I believe that the governments (the illuminati) know about them and have already established contact. But this will not go mainstream, because once we find out, as people of this planet, that there is extraterrestrial life, the governments and economy and religion as we know it will collapse. Our future will change (in a good way). Thats why the governments will not announce the contact with aliens. They did once, but took it back an hour later, because they realized that it would change the world and bring down governments. This happened in 1947 in Roswell. Every day, millions of people see UFOs and a lot of them record it. And the media later says that these footages are a hoax. Who are these people to decide for us, what we must believe and what we must not believe Dont you find it strange that what we see on mainstream television is one big mindf--k, that were actually being brainwashed. Look at tv-shows like The Desperate Housewifes, The real desperate Housewives, MTV Cribs etc. etc. All these shows are trying to make us (the middle and lower-class) people feel bad about our situation in life. That we must do everything we can to become rich like these (idiot, because theyre actually stupid if you listen to what theyre saying) people. These shows are distracting us from the reality, that thousands of people DIE every day in the wars that are being conducted by the US and UK and their allies. Dont you find it weird that on 9111991 Bush Sr. announces the New World Order, and exactly 10 years later the attacks on WTC happen (which meant the start of the NWO). Dont you find it weird that before 9112001 there were relatively no wars. After 911 you see the US and UK in almost every Arab country Dont you see that what Bush and Obama are doing right now are not much different than what Adolf Hitler was doing in WWII Dont you find it weird that Adolf Hitler blew up the Reichstag (government building in Berlin) to win the trust of the German people, which gave him the permission to attack other European countries Dont you find it weird that the illuminati are mostly people with a jewish background Dont you find it weird that Hollywood is run by powerful jews The story of the illuminati doesnt differ anything from what Bush did on 9112001. They killed their own people to give them a free pass to conduct war all over the world. Thats why the current Iranian president said the Holocaust never happened, because the jews were responsible for killing the 6 million jews in Europe. The US and UK were financing Hitler. Today our mindset about the jews is different, its taboo to accuse them of a terrorist attack because they went through the Holocaust. Now Im not attacking the jews among us, Im not attacking the honest, peaceful jew that might live peacefully as mine or your neighbor, but Im attacking these fake-zionist-mindf--king-satan-worshiping jews, we call our World-leaders. If you look at history youll understand that its very much possible for the illuminati to still exist and that it consists of people with a jewish background. Hollywood movies are filled with messages about the illuminati and their plans. Movies like Eyes wide shut, Fight Club and most important of all: The Matrix Trilogy. The Matrix basically tells the story of the illuminati in a different context. It shows the world we live in, in a different context. Pay very close attention to the Animatrix, which tells the story of the rise of the machines right, how the matrix became the matrix. But basically it tells the story of the rise of the illuminati. How they came to power and what their plans are for this world. The narrator at the beginning of the documentary was right when she said that once youll learn their language, you also will have the all seeing eye. When I watched the Matrix Revolutions this morning I saw something weird. At the starting titles notice that the matrix codes are in hebrew (this is the case in all of the matrix movies). And all of a sudden when the title say The Matrix and right before the actual movie starts, you see a small figure, this figure is in the shape of a goatram head. Which we now know is how Satanic cults describe the devil with. Stop watching tv for a year and youll realize that you were actually being brainwashed, not by just the tv-shows but also the commercials. Because if you repeat something long enough, people will start believing and wanting it. Same thing happened after 911, any channel you would switch to they were talking about middle-eastern terrorists have attacked the US. When there is absolutely NO PROOF of Osama Bin Laden or any other arab terrorist organization being responsible for it. But the mainstream still believes that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for it, even after he sent a tape to al jazeera on 9122001 saying that he is not responsible for the attack but he encourages such daring actions. He also said that there is a secret government within the US government trying to control the world-population. But obviously this was not shown in the western-media. Jay-Z, Britney Spears, Madonna, Rihanna, Kanye West and more are advocating for the illuminati-lifestyle, in my opinion. Tupac Shakur came out saying that he sold his soul and was a member of the illuminati. Once he found out about the horrors of what these people were doing and also did to him, because he didnt do what he was told. He decided to CHANGE THE WORLD. At least thats what he was planning to do, until he got assassinated. He came out with an album after he came out of jail called, Killuminati. In his songs hes rapping about this secret society. Listen to Jay-Zs earlier tracks. in one track which I stumbled on accidentally you hear something in the beginning that sounds like Illuminati on my mind. I was shocked and looked at what the name of the track was, and the track is called: Devils. In this track hes talking about how he sold his soul and his new black lifestyle (black is metaphor for evil in this track). Even the Rockafella sign is a sign of illuminati, the all seeing eye inside the triangle is being shown by a triangle made by the hands and the left eye of the artist in it. Even the name Rockafella is a sign: David Rockefeller is probably a person most associated with the Dollar, next to Donald Trump. Money is the work of illuminati and is ruining OUR lives and make us live the life the illuminati wants us to live. Not the peaceful, happy life were supposed to be living as living creatures on this planet. tO RAZJ When I am president we want you for advisor. Its just capitalism as the new masters nothing more wow everyone here needs to stop reading into fear porn the truth is they have been ruling since the start of the USA and people like benjamin franklin, thomas edison and even walt disney WERE ALL illuminists. If you fear this group, then your playing right into theyre game and they win. Stand up for YOURSELVES and think for yourself. disband from the masses of sheep all thinking in the same direction and go against the grain. The reason this is all right out in the open is because they WANT you to know about whats going on its all part of their plan, put it out in the open in movies and documentaries, (most channels like history are owned by DISNEY,) and think about this, how many supernatural and conspiracy movies do you see funded and advertised by the goverment(illuminati). and how many CHRISTIAN movies about god and jesus do you see advertised on a daily basis i rest my case. if you want more information please look into SVALI on the project camelot website. a very highly valuable testimony. i cant read the english captions because the polish subtitles are over them. pity Florian: Agreed, though I do not see this as a laughable matter. On the contrary, it is troubling. Everyone else that wathced this documentary and all those who took the time to comment: films like these enhance mind control. If you know anything about manipulation, persuasion and brainwashing you should have recognized the usage in this film, it is more than obvious. Please open your eyes. There are only two human emotions, FEAR and LOVE, all other emotions stem from these two humanly ones. If human masses are on the emotional wave length of fear, the fear propagotors will easily control all galactic occurences. Ruling through fear is the easiest way. Religions rule through fear, dictators rule through fear, the means to their end is not important, all that matters is that the fear is implanted and then cultivated. Watching this film has irritated my mind. Humans must learn to stop filling their minds, bodys and souls with negative energy. You must realize that this energy is affecting the galaxy and all that lives within it. The more masses that are afraid, the worse the outcome. Please understand that the only way for you to win this is to be self sustaining human beings who love one another regardless of race, culture, religion or belief system, belief systems as a whole should be totally eradicated. stop being an ego, and start being a self. Dont give up, and remember that your thoughts and emotions affect EVERYTHING And please post your thoughts on the destination. A massive can of worms shall be opened thus. i belive every thing they say in the film but what happens if it is a cover up how do we know that the Illuminati set the film up them selfs to try and point us in the wrong direction mabye that wont us to belive the wrong plans tat there have instore there not dumb people and there can do what there please just if any avidence did get leaked of there plans i am sure there would change them or it not the same plan they had in mind, if i was planing on doin something to someone and there found out about it i would not carry out them plans burncrumpet: You do realize that someone purchased that domain name and redirected it to the NSA, right Teh interwebs are mahvelous, and you just cant believe everything you see, hear, or read on it. just sayin. But of course, just because youre paranoid it doesnt mean theyre not watching you O. O Eric thinks its nonsense I think Eric is a child. Anyone with a functioning brain, over the age of 30 or 40 at least, SHOULD KNOW this is what is going on. Eric watches TOO MUCH TV Lekern doesnt know the difference between there and their. Our education system is failing the youth of today as they did in the past. Thats why we have librarys. Dont people realize control, is BOTH political AND Religious. They BOTH use the same tactic. FEAR. One sends you to Prison, and the other, to Hell Another viewer wouldnt know the truth, if it slapped her in the face. Alba doesnt realize BOTH sides WERE presented. While love is better than fear, without ACTION, it doesnt matter leo4peace. And randy IF. you were part of enduringfreedom then YOU were the one outsmarted Forest is right about JFK. Most the people here werent even a gleam in their Daddys eye when Camelot went down. HE. couldnt be bought. AND, he had a conscience. Something from LBJ on, has been missing in our leadership. R Our homeland is heaven Can I have some of what youre smoking Maitreya is right. MEEN MINED Grate Anser(mean, mind, great, answer) Vinny needs to go back to school. Or is it skule hehehe David Icke is still alive because he has too many eyes on him. Besides, these people are ARROGANT Anyone who hasnt realized, Christianity is another - control-mechanism, hasnt studies world religion. The GOYIM were the Military Arm for Jewish ZIONISM. aka Christians. Razj is also correct. School taught us crap Like Columbus discovered America. NOT I never knew the IRS wasnt even started until 1913 They didnt teach us that. The secret is EDUCATED YOURSELF Sift-through the bullsht and FIND THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF I THOUGHT I WAS BAD, RAZJ WROTE A GOD DMN MANIFESTO RAZ RAZ RAZ. NO WARS BEFORE 911 What Planet are you from dude Ever heard of WWi and WWII The French Revolution The American Revolution The Korean War, The Viet Nam WAR. The Bosnian WAR. The Little Big Horn Come on man STOP listening to so much rap, stay away from your TV, YOUR GURU, and read a friggin book once in a while A moment of clarity What. did you run out of weedOH, I GUESS YOU DID. If you want to try and sound like a philosopher, try studying PHILOSOPHY And Randy, Im slave to no bank. EXECPT MY MORTGAGE Do you understand how STUPID that is I serve no one BUT MY CLIENTS Jesus, youre DELUDED. YOURE JUST AS CONNED AS RAZJ IS And a random person couldent have made the website and linked it to nsa Heh if NSA was controled by the illuminati im pretty sure they wouldent make it THAT obvious. Thats what they want you to do. question it all. Thats what they want you to do, question it all, keeps society in disbelief of what is really going on. i dont think any random person can just link something to an organization so big. but this is just my opinion. Gut. thats just like if I said: It might rain tomorrow --gt i would be right whether it rained or not. And factorial, you write that you are not sure if you can link to an organization that big. Gut. its pretty easy to find out if you can. I mean, a good scientist does everything he can to falsify your own thesis. I dont believe the Illuminati controls the world, but i still try to question my theory, and so should you. i wouldnt be surprised if they tag all the ips that redirect from that page as potential terrorists because if they killed him it would prove his point. is anyone of these journalists missing after this documentaries this all sounds like crap after carefully following what ppl talk about. just digits and mentioning masks. total assumptions. yet no one there to take them down lol. Where do they live First the equal socialism to masonry. and later in the video they show nothing but nazi behavior of the masons. do they know a thing about socialism. omg so many fools commenting on this. If iluminati was so powerful do you think they will let this kind of info out. Maybe alot of the world leaders are evil but that doesnt prove anything at all that there would be a big conspiracy. conspiracy is a must if you intend to win. If you think that the world is ruled by honest people then be happy and please dont have children. Genetics are important for the survival of the rest of mankind. Let me get this straight. These all-powerful elites have been plotting this for centuries, a plot that none of the framers would see to fruition, a plot which has been maintained for generations through their descendants, and its all gone out flawlessly Look, Im as suspicious as the next guy of wealthy power mongers, but to believe that these people set this plan into motion, a plan which predicts and is able to account for every single eventuality, is absolutely ludicrous. But for the sake of argument, lets say that the world IS at the mercy of these evil super-geniuses. Are you really trying to tell me that this evil cabal of super-geniuses are going to be foiled by YouTube, Alex Jones and Ron Paul Damn, centuries of planning and now Ron Paul gets elected President. Game over, folks Lets put the eugenics plan on mothballs until people have forgotten about it. People, this is nonsense. That 1776 on the dollar bill Its just coincidence that thats the year America was founded -- without a single source to back it up. And Bohemian Grove worshipping the dark god Moloch The only place Moloch is represented by an owl is in conspiracy theories -- every appearance of Moloch in history has been represented by a freaking bull. Wait, so the Vatican in one volume is in league with the Illuminati and in another theyre against it And the Royal Family claims descent from David so that makes them evil As I recall, there was another famous descendant of David. what was his name. OH YEAH Jesus of Nazareth Emma Louise Johnston I find it very brave for the likes of David Icke to publish as much as he does, considering these secret societies are murderous and macabre, obsessed with death and murder. Im suprised they havnt wiped him out yet. I mean, thats what would inevitably happen wouldnt it Seeing as somebody is speaking out about the corruptness of the world and how we are mere products being controlled. Beeindruckend. this was a fascinating insight. Again though, we do not fully know the truth and I doubt we ever will. Yet the facts seem to add up greatly. After studying Sociology in college for two years, I already had a all seeing eye or atleast I thought I did, but his has widened them even more. LOL David Icke is on the Illuminati payroll. Youll notice Atheist new world order conspiracy theorists are getting federally funded, and able to make movies and write books. On the other hand, the christian theorists are getting murdered by these evil men, and its made to look like accidents. THIS IS NO COINCIDENCE. In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. - Franklin D. Roosevelt. There are many biblical prophecies that refer to the Illuminati and the new world order. Educate yourselves, we are living in the end times, and for Americans, we are living in a satanic imperialistic empire. Soon enough the new world order will come. The kings of the earth take their stand. And high officials themselves have massed together as one. Against Jehovah and against his anointed one. - Psalms 2:2 Moloch is also in the bible, but they do not worship Moloch at the grove, they worship Aphrodite, the owl represents the false goddess of wisdom. They also burn children in eulogy in a ceremony called the cremation of care. But 1776 is on the bill because the Rockerfeller family owns the US treasury. David Rockerfeller one of the richest, and possibly most satanic men on the planet, has put 1776 on the bill because it was the year the Illuminati were formed. David Rockerfeller is also a 33rd degree member of the Illuminati. They use Subliminal Indirect Reverse Psychological Propaganda to make us think this is the year America was founded, but this is not the truth. David Rockerfeller is the same man who owns a monopoly on Oil, and believe it or not oil is abiotic, we are far from running out of our oil reserves, they make us think we are so we can continue polluting the earth with a clean conscious, thinking Hey eventually we will run out of oil and will have to stop polluting. Watch the movie Exposing the satanic Empire online if you want to see the truth about the world. Keith Thompson exposes the WHOLE truth, not just partial truths like the federally funded atheist conspiracy theorists. This is just a bunch of America bashing. Regardless of whether the Illuminati exists or not, it is obvious that we as consumers are having more and more shoved down our throaths through advertising and the media. More and more commercials on tv, and eventually for all our favorite half-hour programs theres gonna be 10 mins of show and 20 mins of advertisements. Not to mention that these commercials have nothing to do with what theyre advertising. It is about subliminal mind control to keep us happy and eager consumers, but I dont think the purpose is for any Ultimate Goal. I think its more about making money off us, which they are achieving every day. Thats the only problem I have with Illuminati documentaries. They focus on real, serious, factual issues, but then create skeptics when they talk about the NWO and freemasons. There might be some truth to that, my guess is as good as yours, but since we dont know for sure we might as well be focusing on stuff we KNOW is true. NWO or no NWO, theyre manipulating us for their own purposes, whether financial or otherwise, and we need to wake up to it. Oh yeah, for all you folks hating on the Federal Reserve, vote RON PAUL in 2012 He is one of the few candidates who isnt in the pockets of corporations and interest groups, and hes about getting rid of the federal reserve, altering our world police domestic policy, and protecting our Fourth Amendment, which is being violated by the local and state police daily its obvious you havent done enough reading to understand that the history you are refering too was written by the very people this documentary is trying to expose. The vaticanjesuits who have alot of influence on the british crown are very much responsible for the very crusades you so laugh at. GEt a clue. the very reason were in trouble. No ones coming to save us. took it down due to copy infringement Why dont we just set up a date for a huge gathering protest at Yale, invade the tomb demand justice and put an end to these secret societys, obviously we have enough facts on their evil murderous behaviorsm i mean we can make 4 hour long documentaries about this, We have evidence We have proof of thier lies, deception, and murders. Lets shut Down the Tomb at Yale Lets demand George. W and his father be sent to prison, Lets Make a change Destroy kill the Fing Nazi scum I was totally with this documentarys line until the grey haired English guy started talking about the astrology as if it were scientific fact and that other worldly entities exist around us but just operate in a different spectral range. give me a break That exorcism is a joke, the viewer has no idea what was saiddonegiven to that girl before filming - there are numerous historical examples of demonic possessions provenlater admitted to being no better than exaggerated acting that manage to fool hundreds of people. It wouldnt surprise me if the dissemination of information attempting to prove that the devil exists among us isnt supported by the Freemasons as it implies that they, a chosen few, have access to this ancient power - utter bolks - it is not these forces that are responsible for pollution and war, its the men that follow that cult who are responsible, who pay off their conscience with the notion that their actions answer to a higher power, just like the filthy Christian church. I cant believe anyone took this seriously. No wonder America is iin such trouble. Not that around 400 families dont own 90 of the worlds wealth and have for centuries. but we know that. It is no secret. What are we going to do about that. RR I think most are unaware of the evil they perpetrate This is nothing more than sophomoric drivel. I dont even know where to begin with picking this thing apart --its utterly absurd. If stupid hurt, the makers of this documentary would be in writhing agony. Ooooooh the skulls and bones were used by Nazis. The skulls and bones have been used as a symbol by a plethora of people throughout the centuries, and your point is George H. Bush is a billionaire --really Are you certain you didnt confuse him with Anheuser Busch Hes only worth about 15 million --research it I suppose he could become a billionaire if he sold all his assets, closed his bank accounts and exchanged all his dollars for Philippine Pesos. Oh my God its painful to watch this ignorance its painful to read your ignorance. lets make the exact same example of putin, who apparently is also only worth about 30million if he would sell all his gazprom assets (which arent that many either) but everybody who has ever gotten to see his politics andor basically ever get involved with russia as a whole knows way better then that. it really is an ignorant thing of you to say something this naive. concerning this documentary, yes it might be a little bit out of the blue but some things do sound convincing no one can say anything about that The pyramid simply represents the structure of the world. The eye represents the power specific individuals have. The pyramid represents a mirror image of the natural biological food chain you would learn in seventh grade science class. I love how imaginative some of you guys are but really its way overboard. This has all all ready been prophesied by the Bible in the book of Revelations 2000 years ago. Just a matter of time till the illuminati can set up a one world government, set up a one world currency, and set up a one world religion. Good luck just know one thing the one and only true God said it first. I noticed that and wondered if it was a mistake or if KISS maybe got their makeup from the royals. and the plot thickens Hes coming alright. ) God is gonna save us. Weve suffered enough suffering already. Dont give in to satin, keep your faith amp trust in Jesus Christ amp you will see. I know when the time comes Ill fight for my Jesus, Ill die for my Jesus. He died for me. Therefor I ATLEAST owe him my life. - So tell me what does a man profit from gaining the world, but losing his soul in return Think about it Not a damn thing The only one who benefits is the devil himself, hell make all this crap sound too good to be true. amp of course it will be. youll be bribed with fame, money, power amp etc. Everything u ever wanted right. Dont forget youll be damned to hell amp even if you already sold your soul let me break this down for you, its not your soul to sell. it does not belong to u get it got it good amp even if you did sign a pact with the devil, u can always get out because satin is a liar amp if u forgive others, God will forgive u. when its all said amp done satin will fail. God will win every time point, blank, period. There is no fight to even fight Its called faith amp the crap like this makes people wanna join the ulluminati or a pact with the devil, even having the urge to wanna know above this stuff is a sin. Once people give up hope then whats leftwe have got to start thinking about the new generation, I just turned 17 about 3 weeks ago amp I already know more then I ever wanted to know. weve got to do something about this now. speak up, one person could make a big change. amp I know me saying what I said is gonna have alot of people angry. its my opinion though We have signs from God, hes coming amp I know it, but honestly I dont think were supposed to know when the worlds gonna end. Yeah the mayans made a calender amp it ends in 2012 but, after making a long ass calender probably got tired of it, I mean u could just keep going amp going amp going or something couldve happened to make them stop, but not once does it say the worlds gonna end. If we all knew when the world was gonna end, everyone would go insaine, theyd quit everything they have been working for so long, start killing each other, start killing themselves, and just lose all hope in life itself. In everything u hear on t. v, the computer, on your phone, satin is finding a way to get in. Just like God had preachers preach. well so does the devil, except its all coverered up, theres subliminle messages in everything now days if u wanna get down to the nitty gritty. but if half of the world really knew what they were listening to is what it really is, I guarentee they would quit listening to it and watching t. v amp buying certain brands. lt3 Sorry, but you did not get the message of jesus (Bebedamu19) and so did many people not see the real massage he send to the world You have to let go the negative things around you and go youre own way (our own way) So you can have freedom. It doess not mean you have to die, he alreaddy did that, and you will die when youre life is not good enough for you anymore (health) to die is possitive but only the natural way. so you can get a new one after this life, so dont waste it. fighting is not an option, (if you dont like what you see, go another way and when people do things that are not right tell them on the moment what they are doing to you, behold the mirror for them) Fighting, if you do that you are like the devil himself, and the devil can only exist when you think he exist Believe in the good, the good will never kill and never hurt another person, animal etc. So stay out of youre head and use your feelings. Do you know who God is. It is us when we are honest and GOOD people So this is the only thing you have to do. The good is in youre DNA, but many can not remember, because they are doing bad things and this is called justice, because you have to do good all the way. GOOD luckmy friend, Andre Elfrink Yes u do make a good point but, if your pushed into that corner ampu have no other choice, your either gonna fight or die ampim not just gonna stand there amptake it knowing if I dont fight im gonna die. This is one thing that Ive thought long amphard about. I mean I know like u said, walk the other way but if u have no other choice ampthere is no other way, u cant just give up, thats almost like suicide to me amp i believe if u kill yourself or take someone elses life your going to hell cause thats playing the role of God ampits not up to u when its time to go home. but, thats just my opinion. ampGood luck to u as well. ) There is a really bizarre mistake in this video. I guess I shouldnt be too surprised, considering how retarded this whole thing is. Aber. to anyone with a functioning brain watching this. They show a picture of G. W. Hegel, the German philosopher, and call him William Huntington Russel, founder of Skull amp Bones, and an opiate dealer. What kind of std nonsense is this Honestly. You guys are blinded. for those who does not agree with this video in a total blindness. Satan is in this world along with the angels with him. and what do u guys expect satan will just sit there and wait til da end of the earth No while the judgement day hasnt come his taking as many souls as he can to be with him in his place. these little signs explains it. to you it might mean nothing or little things but dont tend to lean on your own mind cuz you too will grab his attention. Do you not get it the music good music literally you dont like it but rap music and hiphop which talks about sex and all gangs make you feel energetic and good. weell analyze who the singer is like Jesus Christ said the sand in the beach is an image of the people in the world and only a handful of his hand will be saved. So dont be blinded by the population of a church or the money they have or the people in it rich or poor follow your belief and be a servant cuz you yourself will suffer at da end of your life especially if you are a freemason i have research everything i need to know and if you dont get out of that filthy religion you do not deserve the everlasting life. remember: what you have here in life dont matter if you only live for a hundred years some not even. but after it you will live an everlasting life with God or who you have chosen to be with in this life. Please spare me your religious bullshit dont know if this has been posted already but moc. illuminati itanimulli(dot)com type the bottom one into your browser. its not a virus or anything dont worry i scanned my PC after just in case. quite interesting though. Can anyone tell me if this is actually legit seems a bit odd The problem is there is no cohesive beginning or middle leading to a conclusion of any sort but theory conjecture. I find this an interesting subject not so much because the romantic mystery of it, but rather the fact that so many people subscribe to a concept that is so non-linear. Nonsensical, even. One would think if their way a great and powerful Illuminati, they would make themselves known and feared. As far as I have gathered while trying to wade through the ridiculous speculation and very few plausible facts, if there is such a group, it is more a bureaucracy of (pretty-far-out-there) intelligence hence, the term the enlightened ones. This group (if you can even call it such) is run by scientists and people who are considered no more than legacies in the college sense of the term. Dont speak of hip-hop when you dont know what youre talking about. The hip-hop you speak of is based on your limited knowledge of the genre. Learn about a topic outside of whats presented to you on TV instead of making misinformed comments about it. Your interpretations arent any less imaginative. Oh yea because everything you find on google is absolutely true isnt it. True enough. But more than likely its just symbology carried on through generations. There doesnt have to be a specific meaning to a symbol reused throughout history and even if there was there is a good chance the original meaning is lost. Money and smart people run the world and just like broke and dumb people, Smart and wealthy people think in similar patterns to further thier own evolutionary programming in the actions of self interest. The difference is the smart people can control dumb people more easily. That is how i see the world. I expect anyone who believes in fairy tales like those purported in religious texts and oral traditions of satan and god would be limited in their ability to grasp certain concepts. When people refuse to evolve beyond these arcane concepts, which as in the case with religions, which are nothing more than a form of mass social control initiated by power hungry, and often sexual deviant megalomaniacs and coveted by ignorant sheep. Wake up and smell the common sense. Its not about good versus evil. Its about power. In the human experience, unity and compassion are demonstrated by those who KNOW that we are all we have. We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you dont agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we dont understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. Im not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are. We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you dont agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we dont understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. Im not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are. We all have choice in what to believe in this matter as defining truth has become harder these days because of the lack of trust which we are entitled to. These kinds of videos helps support a one sided view on the matter as a truth and even if there is something in it it does not necessarily make it true. Not everything is black and white as we think it is but for us to understand we need it to be. You can choose what to believe fact or not as long as you respect or accept you could be wrong in your mind about other opinions even if you dont agree. For all we know the Illuminati could just be a concept to portray things we dont understand to create logic so we do understand why things are the way they are. Im not saying the Illuminati do not exist but I am saying it is possible the view on its existence has been manipulated so we might have the wrong end of stick about who they are. I like to read a few of the comments before watching these Docos. I have read up about the Illuminati and I feel I know enough to make a comment. Ill admit I havent watched the whole doco, but Ive watched other Docos about the Illuminati which Im sure has just enough informations as this doco. A few comments on here are saying, This Documentary exposes them, how can they allow a Documentary like this to get out They allow it because they know majority of people either wont watch this documentary or consider it a complete load of crap. This documentary is no threat to them and they know it. I dont know if this is true but I have read that Tupac was murdered by the Illuminati because he knew too much and started to write songs about them. People on here are saying, How do they continue to let Alex Jones and David Icke expose them. The facts are, these blokes are unatractive over wieght middle aged men who struggle to relate to the general population. Majority of the Worlds population dont even know who these guys are let alone what they stand for. A lot of people also consider David Icke to be a complete loony. Compare these 2 blokes to Tupac, Tupac had millions of fans, could relate to people and people knew who he was. Tupac was a threat, David Icke and Alex Jones are not. Pop culture uses those symbold to make you ask why. Its one of the most common artistic tequneques in the book. Good vs Evil is used to create fear. If you choose to follow good (christian you become a pacefist that will alow gvernment to do what they want) If you choose evil well then they want you to believe your going to hell and for that you should be afraid. People brain wash themselves. If you dont like the tones in hip hop dont support it. If you dont like the way government is going vote for the right canidates, and if the system has become void to the point that the people cant ellect who they want then, well. what do you think oppressed people should do Certainly living fearful of your oppressor is not the solution Literature is much more reliable than any documentary or pop artists song. Media is misleading. kristine. but after it you will live an everlasting life with God or who you have chosen to be with in this life One clarification, so are you saying my partner and i can move in with your god. Regarding the doc, I hate this style of doc with a beat, sound clips, drama - wont make if for 6 hours. That said, I know I have owners, so do you That is essentially what Jesus told them. But he had to do it in the cultural context of that day. The Serpent and the Illuminati By Sherry Shriner thewatcherfiles For the past 2000 years the signs and artifacts of a Pre-Adamic civilization have haunted the churches. Controlled by Rome who rules them all, they were and have been steered away from seeking answers. While many follow church dogma in blind acceptance, many more know something is missing and seek answers on their own. Many, are starting to step out of the box of mind control and seek Yahweh and His truths on their own. Over the centuries archeologists have found artifacts and signs of a pre-adamic civilization indicating extreme intelligent life had once existed before ours and pre-dated well before the flood of Noah. So much so that our own modern technologically advanced world could not even begin to explain how a civilization before ours could have been so much more advanced than our own. The churches did not have the answers about this previous civilization, and those who did, did not want the information known, but kept hidden and tucked away into what eventually would become known as secret societies. Instead of serving as ministers of righteousness those who control our churches became ministers of suppressing information. What are they hiding Jesus told us the last days would be as the days of Noah, most of those in the top hierarchy of the churches dont serve the Most High God, they Serve Lucifer, and they surpressed the early days of civilization from the people so that when it comes around again and presents itself in the last days it can be utilized as part of the charade that heralds the Antichrist as God. They are all working together, the tops of the churches, governments, secret societies, passed on through the ages by positionsthey are trying to deceive the people and keep them in the dark about the past so they wont recognize what is coming in the future, or what recognize the daily war we are in against the battle between the wheat and the tares. Most smaller churches dont realize they are controlled, or how much they are. Most pastors today have graduated from the seminaries of the dead that are owned and operated by such New Age charlatans as Norman Vincent Peale and Jesuits posing as protestants sent by the Roman Catholic Church to infiltrate and control them. All of the religious organizations and denominational chains are steered at the top by henchmen who serve Rome. Independent churches form to break away from denominational chains, but through their years of training of doctrine conditioning, they never really break away from the box. Digging into the Bible Codes, I discovered there was indeed a thriving technologically advanced civilization on earth previously and that because of their rebellion against the Most High, its civilization was obliterated out of existence, causing the complete destruction of the earth. This civilization on earth contained the ancient cities of Atlantis and Lemuria and had inter-galactic trade with other planets such as Mars, Venus, and the others within our solar system. When Lucifer rebelled against the Most High as the reigning cherub over all these planets, he instigated a multi-planet rebellion bringing the Lords wrath of hailstones of fire against all the planets involved. Entire angelic civilizations were destroyed, and many of these angels involved that did not face His immediate judgment of imprisonment were forced into the hollow areas of their respective planets to survive. The Bible speaks of Lucifers rebellion in Isaiah 14:12-14 quotHow are thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most High. quot In Ezekial 28 it says: quotYou were the anointed cherub that covers, and I had put you in the holy height of God. quot Lucifer was not happy just being a high ranking cherub with rule over several planets. He wanted to be like the Most High God. And you will find the pre-Adamic, pre-historic civilization on this earth within his realm of dominion and rebellion. Most of us are led to believe that Lucifers rebellion was a quick event that was quickly put down by the Most High God, but it did not happen that way. The evolutionists were not completely wrong. These things did exist at one time, a concept the church refuses to even acknowledge. But where everyone has gone wrong is in who created what. Atlantis and Lemuria were cities on ancient Earth where these angels dwelled and developed technology that far surpassed anything we have ever had or seen. And they were not confined to earth, they could travel to distant planets and visit, trade, and cohabitate with the angels who lived on them. In fact, the New World Order is nothing but this ancient planetary old world order revived for the last days. Planetary trade and economics was Lucifers dominion, and he ruled from a distant planet called Rahab. The Bible codes reveal that Lucifer had a mansion or dwelling place on all these planets including earth, but his home planet was Rahab, located between Mars and Jupiter, and it was completely destroyed and cast out of our solar system with its inhabitants imprisoned inside of it. Rahab is returning to earth in these last days and is known more commonly as Nibiru or Planet X where those imprisoned will be released and allowed to come to earth to help Lucifer subdue and conquer it. When the Lord judged and destroyed Rahab He allowed Lucifer and some of his forces to escape. The DNA imprint of humans is 11-22-33 and the angels couldnt duplicate it. It represents the 11 ribs, 22 bones in the skull, and the 33 vertebrae of mankind. To this day, these are the most significant numbers for any occult group in existence. They could not figure it out then, and to this day, they cannot master and duplicate Yahwehs creation of man and woman. After the Most High had had enough of their rebellion, and having given them plenty of time to repent for doing so, He utterly destroyed their homes and civilizations. The planets were all destroyed with hailstones of fire, and those who rebelled were cast into imprisonment or forced to make homes in the inside hollow cavities of their respective planets to live in. As part of their judgment, they lost their angelic looks and appearance and became ugly grotesque looking beings. When the Most High recreated the earth, many, perhaps thousands of years later, Lucifer and his minions watched. And they conspired to destroy the creation of man and woman that Yahweh had placed in the Garden of Eden. Since the recreation of earth and the creation of Adam and Eve, Lucifer has worked behind the scenes directly and indirectly conspiring and working to destroy the Most Highs plans. And since Lucifers initial rebellion, the Lord has allowed it and used Lucifer for His own purposes through it all. Isa 45:7 quotI form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. quot It wasnt long after God had created Adam and Eve that Satan would make his move on how to destroy what Yahweh had created. Lucifer, one of the trees of the garden they were commanded to stay away from, seduced Eve and through the child of their union, Cain, the Serpent Seedline of the devils would begin. Cain, The Serpents Seed. In Genesis 3:15a He said, quotAnd I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. quot Enmity means mutual hatred. He is saying there is mutual hatred between the seedline of Satans and the seedline of Eves. So there are two seedlines. The serpent seed started with Cain and Adams seed started with Seth. No matter how they have tried to cover it up in the KJV, the Dead Sea Scrolls and even verses such as Gen. 3:15 make it clear that Satan had his own seedline and it started back with Eve. Lets start at the beginning of Genesis chapter three: 1. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden In the Hebrew the word serpent is Hebrew word 5175: nachash (naw-khawsh) a snake (from its hiss). From 5172: nachash (naw-khash) a primitive root properly, to hiss, ie: whisper a (magic) spell generally, to prognosticate: to practice divination, to divine, to observe signs, to learn by experience, to diligently observe, to practice fortune telling, to take as an omen. This obviously is describing a person, and not a literal reptile. This serpent is no ordinary snake It is Satan himself. The serpent is just one of Satans many names. In the book of Revelation there are several of Satans names identified, but it is all the same one entity such as serpent, devil, or dragon. The word tree isHebrew word 6086: ets (ates) a tree (from its firmness) from 6095:atsah (aw-tsaw) a primitive root properly, to fasten (or make firm), ie: to close the eyes. figuratively: The spine giving firmness to the body (The body is the trunk, and the arms and legs are the limbs). And God uses the word quot trees quot symbolically in the scriptures to mean People both good and bad. And below is just one example of trees being used symbolically for people: 1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness . the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. (KJV) Back to Genesis: 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. The phrase fruit of the tree is Hebrew word 6529 periy - fruit, in a wide sense: a) fruit, produce (of the ground), or b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny ( used of the womb), or figuratively c) fruit (of actions). The phrase eat of it is Hebrew word 398 akal (aw-kal) This word has many uses, among which, one use means to lay with a woman (which is a sexual act) touch is Hebrew word 5060 naga (naw-gah) Properly, to touch, ie: to lay the hand upon (for any purpose) euphemism for: to lie with a woman. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: The word serpent is Satan. The phrase Ye shall not surely die is the first lie in the Bible, and it was Satan as the serpent that uttered it Satan is called quotThe father of lies. quot 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. The phrase your eyes shall be opened is the second lie in the Bible, and Satan is also the author of this one. Remember from verse one, that the tree that the serpent wants Eve to partake of means: quotTo close the eyes, quot as in being deceived, and losing sight of the only commandment from God at that time: Remember God said to Adam in Gen 2:17, quotBut of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. quot Anyway on to verse 3:6 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. This was obviously no ordinary tree, in fact it wasnt a literal tree at all it was Satan himself The phrase pleasant to the eyes Hebrew word 2530 chamad: To desire, to covet, to take pleasure in, to delight in, to be desirable, to delight greatly, to desire greatly, desirableness, preciousness. The word desired Hebrew word 8378 taavah (tah-av-aw) from 183 (abbreviated) to yearn for, to lust after (used of bodily appetites) a longing by implication, a delight (subjectively, satisfaction, objectively, a charm): a desire, a wish, longings of ones heart lust, an appetite, covetousness (in a bad sense), to covet, to wait longingly. To make one wise Apple trees dont make you smart but Satan can give you forbidden knowledge. The word took Hebrew word 3947 laqach (law-kakh) a primitive root to take (in the widest variety of applications): to take, to lay hold of, to receive, to marry, to take a wife, to take to or for a person, to procure, to get, to take possession of, to select, to choose, to take in marriage, to receive, to accept. This sure doesnt sound like Eve is just enjoying an apple, this is far more than an appreciation for literal fruit on a literal tree. All of this language is figurative and symbolic for what really happened. Does the account above sound like someone eating an apple to you Of course not, but you have probably been lied to since Sunday School about what really happened in the garden of Eden. Here is what really happened in the garden of Eden: Eve lost her virginity to the serpent, whom was that Tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden, and who is none other than Satan himself. By the way, I havent seen the word apple mentioned in these scriptures yet, have you You wont either, nowhere in Gods Word does it say that Adam and Eve ate an apple Yet we see modern religious paintings showing Eve holding an apple. Why Because it makes for good symbolism and makes a better story to hide what really happened. Adam also partook of this forbidden fruit. Satan is a super-natural being possessing supernatural powers, thus he can appear to Adam and Eve as two different things (beings, entities) if he had wanted to. We dont know for sure as to what degree Adam partook of this fruit, but as we read on, we will see that Eve became pregnant from her doing so. She was impregnated and conceived by the serpent first, then she conceived a second time from Adam. Eve went on to bear twins (Cain and Able). 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. Eating apples doesnt make you ashamed of your nakedness But losing your innocence and your virginity certainly can. We also notice that they didnt make masks to cover mouths that had just eaten apples they made aprons to cover their private parts because they were now more conscious of them and embarrassed. Simply eating an apple does not do this to anyone Fruit does not make one aware or conscious of whether they have clothes on or not. 8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. 9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself. 11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat 12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done And the woman said, The serpent beguiled1 me, and I did eat. (KJV) In Strongs, 398 the term quot eat quot means to eat, also to lay. The term quot touch quot in Strongs is 5060 which means naga, to touch, also to have sexual intercourse. Both terms had and have sexual connotations to them. Beguiled used in this text is the same as quotseduced. quot Furthermore, Scripture says Cain quotwas of that wicked onequot he was a son of Satans through the seduction of Eve. The term quot ofquot is the same that means offspring. Neither is Cain listed anywhere in the descendents of Adam which strongly indicates Cain was not his son. The official beginning of the wheat and the tares began with Eve. The wheat AND the tares. The tree of knowledge was the means to sexual knowledge they received from Lucifer. Knowledge is to quotknow. quot Knowing means to perceive, experience, learn. It is also used as an euphemism of quot to know someonequot sexually as when Adam quot knew quot his wife. The terms eat, touch, and know are often used in Biblical lingo for sexual relations. Lucifer was the way of knowing good and evil. He was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because through him they would learn evil, they would perceive evil, and they would experience it. Who was the tree of life in the Garden of Eden Yahushua was. Who was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Lucifer. How do we eat of the tree of lifequot We commune with Him. We are never to commune with Lucifer, and in this instance he seduced Eve, impregnated her, and began his own genealogical offspring and seedline on this earth that is part of us today. 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: The phrase upon thy belly shalt thou go is A Hebraic (figure of speech) for utter defeat as in Ps 72:9 amp Isa 49:23. The phrase dust shalt thou eat A Hebraism (figure of speech) meaning an ultimate term of degradation, as in Ps 44:25. Now the next verse will also show us the first mention of the promise of the Messiah Jesus Christ. This verse also contains the first prophecy in the Bible: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy. head and thou shalt bruise his heel. The word enmity is from the Hebrew word 342 eybah (ay-baw) from 340 hostility: a primitive root to hate (as one of an opposite tribe or party) hence to be hostile. The phrase between thee and the woman Not enmity between a garden snake and a woman, that doesnt even make sense But enmity between the offspring of the serpent (Satan) and the offspring of the woman (Eve, through Adam, and thus of God). Between thy seed and her seed seed: Hebrew word 2233 zera - seed, sowing, offspring, a sowing, seed, semen virile, offspring, descendants, posterity, children. From 2232:to become pregnant, to be made pregnant. The word it refers to Jesus Christ. The phrase bruise thy head means Jesus destroying Satan. The word thou Satan and bruise his heel Satan causing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus heels were bruised when He was nailed to the cross. The offspring and descendants of the serpent (Satan) are called Kenites (which means sons of Cain whom was the first murderer). These Kenites multiplied, and in the process of time four-thousand years later, went on to infiltrate the Hebrew peoples and distort the Hebrew religion of the Old Testament founding the religion of Judaism. It must be pointed out that all Hebrew peoples are not Jews The term quotJewquot is a religious moniker not a national identity as alleged. Cain and Able were what is called Fraternal Twins. Which is one birth of two children, conceived at different times. Cain was born first, then Abel Satan knew that the Messiah Jesus Christ would come through the lineage of Eve. This was the first attempt by Satan to destroy the pure seed line that Christ was to come through. Satan is fearful of Christ because he knows that it is Yahushua, Jesus Christ who will eventually accomplish casting him into the lake of fire (Hell), which will be his eternal punishment. We know that Satans plan failed with the ultimate birth of Yahushua Jesus Christ who upon his crucifixion, defeated death, which is to say defeated Satan. Satan is death, it is one of his many names and roles he has played and will play in the Bible. Many of you are hearing this for the first time. Because if you have sat in church programming all of your lives you havent heard the truth even though it is right there in the Bible. The apple was figurative for sexual relations masked with the terminology quotEve was beguiled by Satanquot and until people accept it as the truth it is, they will stay blind to the real war going on today which is between the Serpent Seedline and the rest of the human race. Most church pastors today will pull out Genesis 4:1 which reads, quotAnd Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. quot There are many omissions and translation errors throughout the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that Genesis 4:1 was tampered with. In fact the passage should read: And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Sammael (Satan), and she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings, and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of the Lord. Now we know that anything of the Lord is confirmed elsewhere. IF Cain was indeed Satans son, we wouldnt have to count on just one passage to prove it. In fact there are many: I John 3:12 quotNot as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his (half) brother..quot Here the word quotofquot in Greek is 1537 in the Strongs Concordance. When used implying a person, it means quota son of or offspring. quot Compare this with other translations: The New Testament in Modern English: quotWe are none of us to have the spirit of Cain, who was a son of the devil..quot Living Bible: quotWe are not to be like Cain, who belonged to Satan..quot New English Bible: quot..unlike Cain who was a child of the evil one..quot New Century Bible: quotDo not be like Cain who belonged to the Evil One. quot New Jerusalem Bible: quot..not to be like Cain, who was from the Evil One..quot And the popular commentaries confirm the same thing: The Wycliffe Bible Commentary page 1473: quotHe (Cain) is said to have belonged to the family of the wicked one. quot Matthew Pooles Commentary on the Holy Bible, volume 3, page 936. quotWhich showed him (Cain) to be of that wicked one, of the serpents seed: so early was such seed sown, and so ancient the enmity between seed and seed. quot Matthew Henrys Commentary, volume 6 page 1077: quotIt showed that he (Cain) was as the firstborn of the serpents seed..quot In John 8:44 Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and proclaimed, Ye are of your father the devil..quot The term quotofquot meaning generation, offspring. They were of the physical seed of their father the devil. Trees are often used as metaphors in regards to people. Jesus was the quottree of life. quot Mat 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mat 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. Before Adam even had a chance to consummate his relationship with Eve, she was already pregnant with Lucifers child, Cain. And that is what the Illuminati bloodlines of the New World Order dont want you to know. They are Cains seed, of the wicked one. And it is this bloodline of Cain that is working together through the control of vast wealth around the world that is bringing the Antichrist to power. The Parable of The Wheat and Tares The parable of the wheat and tares is found in Matthew 13:24-30 and 37-43. Sandwiched in between in verse 35 is the proclamation: quotI will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. quot Jesus then revealed the significance of the parable as meaning He (Yahweh) had fathered the good seed (wheat) and that the tares belonged to the wicked one, they had been fathered by Satan. The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the house-holder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field From whence then hath it tares He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up But he said, Nay lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. In verses 38-43 Jesus gives us the meaning of the parable: He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man The field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked one The enemy that sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity. And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. There were several declarations made in this parable that the churches often ignore. 1. The good seed were fathered by the Son of Man, Son of Adam. 2. The good seed, Adamites are the genetic sons of Yahweh. 3. The tares (Cains seed) are the Genetic sons of Satan. 4. The enemy that fathered the tares is the same serpent of Genesis 3:15 5. The sons of Adam (wheat) will then inherit the Kingdom after the tares (sons of Cain) are destroyed. Again, as stated in verse 38, quotThe field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the tares are the children of the wicked onequot This is not only a physical lineage, but a spiritual one as well. Yahushua told the Pharisees of His day, are not my sheep..quot in John 10:26. In Josephus, Wars 2:8:2 Jewish Historian Josephus makes it quite clear the Pharisees and Sadducees were not Israelites by birth: For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of whom are the Pharisees of the second the Sadducees and of the third sect, who pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essenes. These last are Jews (Judah) by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have. The real Jews of Jesuss day had absorbed those with contaminated KeniteEdomite hybrid blood, and therefore these could claim both Abraham and Isaac as their fathers. The wheat and the tares will continually throughout time grow and live together until the end of the age when the angels will separate them. What about the flood The seedline started over again with Ham and his wifes offspring Canaan. Esau, the Serpent Seed Even after the flood had destroyed the original seed of Cain. It picked back up again with Hams son Canaan of which Esau then intermingled. There are two different groups of people throughout the Bible and our past, present, and future. Those who are elected to grace while the other is elected for wrath and destruction. These are two specific groups with two specific elections and only they can hold these elections, no one else is like them. Does it involve every single person in a specific seedline No. Although it may sound like it means just that, it does not mean that all. That would be like saying all those born into a cursed seedline are doomed for hell and all those born into Yahwehs chosen seedline are awarded heaven. There are three major aspects that come into play at all times in regarding all things. The choices Yahweh makes, the choices Lucifer are allowed to make, and the individual choices we make. Esau was born of a good seedline but he chose to go the way of the wicked. Just as those born of cursed seedlines can choose to go the way of the righteous. Do we choose or are we chosen ahead of time to do exactly what we do Yahweh knows the end from the beginning and He knows those who are His and those who are not because He knows exactly what is going to happen. And He places His chosen vessels of honor anywhere He wants to, good or bad seedline. And Lucifer will do the same thing, except his vessels are of dishonor. Some say the whole war started with Jacob and Esau, when it actually goes back to Cain, and in these last days it is going to culminate as the seedlines of Cain through the Antichrist will try to destroy and annihilate the seed of Jacob. Remember it was Esau who married into the cursed Cain race, corrupting his seed and offspring. He wasnt born into a cursed seedline, he turned his back on his good seedline and went the way of the wicked. The seed of Jacob is both the House of Judah and the House of Israel, the 12 tribes. We (America) are part of Israel folksas part of Josephs tribe. Now dont go off into the British Israelism theory because it is flawed and serves the purposes of the Illuminati who are trying to claim the British throne goes through King David when its been sabotaged over the years and especially the only ones on the throne there now are imposters. If you look at much of the scattered tribes of Israel today they include Germany, France, Britain, America, and others..the predominant white races of the world. America itself contains a mixture of all the tribes of Israel here and many of us are linked to one of the sons. Manasseh is dominate in America, while Britain is Ephraim. Reuben is France, Dan is Greece, etc. The Gentiles relate to the House of Judah and the House of Israel as those who have converted to Yahweh (for those who do). The entire last days war puts the gentiles (other races) in the middle of a war between Satans people and Yahwehs people. It is a war to see who will rule from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem with Satan working through his seedline and Yahweh working through His to see who wins. Well if you have jumped to the back of the book you know who wins, Yahweh does. But Satan will be allowed to attempt to rule the world for 42 months before he is utterly demolished by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. If you read in Genesis 25:21-23 the war started back in the womb of their mother, Rebekah: quotAnd Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her and she said, If it be so, why am I thus And she went to enquire of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger. quot The twins in her womb were Jacob and Esau. They were already at war with each other then, fighting in the womb, for the Lord had ordained them as two different types of people that would be at war with each other. One would be stronger than the other and the elder would serve the younger. Esau, being born first, would serve Jacob. And if you read the story of Esau and Jacob, Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of red (Edom) pottage (lintel beans) it was because the birthright meant nothing to Esau, he despised it. What was the birthright Bringing forth through his seedline the redeemer of Adam, Jesus. Esau did not care about it and Jacob was willing to deal and deceive to get it, it meant everything to Jacob. Esau despised his birthright, and Yahweh despised him. Esau was determined to go his own way and do his own thing and that is what he did. In Genesis 26:34-35 we read how he committed his own seedline to eternal ruin and becoming quotSons of Perdition, quot even as Judas who betrayed Jesus was. Not only did he give his birthright away to Jacob, he broke the hearts of both Isaac and Rebekah by taking Hittite women as his wives. The Hittites were descendents of Heth, and Heth was one of the sons of Canaan, a cursed seed. Canaan was a son of Ham, and father of all Canaanites including the Hittites. These people were a cursed seed because of what Ham did to his father, Noah. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Noah awoke from his wine, and KNEW WHAT his younger son had done unto him. And he said, cursed be Canaan Gen. 9:22, 24-25. Another event covered up by figurative language. The actual sin was an homosexual act Ham committed on Noah and then laughed about it to his brothers. When Noah awoke from his drunken state, he quotknewquot what Ham had done to him and cursed not Ham himself, but his offspring Canaan. The Hittites were the power brokers in the known world then. They controlled most of the economics (money) and merchandising (corporations) and were a very powerful influence. They were worshippers of Satan and had much wealth. When Esau married Hittites he created high treason against the Most High by adulterating his holy seed with the serpent and cursed seed. He sold his birthright for red pottage, mixes his seed with the serpent seed, and by doing so condemns himself and his entire offspring to the Lake of Fire (tares). Judas who betrayed Jesus was of the Serpent Seedline as well. He and the Antichrist are both called quotSons of Perdition. quot Perdition means eternal ruin. All of Esaus descendents were sons of perdition, sons of eternal ruin. Jesus said that Judas was a devil (John 6:70). Sons of Perdition are Satanic spirits sent to this earth by their father Satan. They were prepared and chosen for destruction through their Election before they were even born. The end of the story of the birthright blessings for Jacob and Esau are rather prophetic and an overall picture of the last days. Esau, realizing there was money to be had from being the firstborn included in the blessing, runs off to prepare meat for Isaac who is going to give him his birthright (nevermind he had promised it to Jacob when he realized there was money involved. He was going to go back on his promise with Jacob). But Rebekah heard what was going on and helped devise a plan to where Jacob could deceive Isaac into believing he was Esau and give him the blessing that Esau had traded Jacob for over a bowl of red pottage. After realizing Jacob had already received Isaacs blessing, Esau begged for a blessing as well, as part of his blessing Isaac told him: quotAnd by the sword thou shalt live, and shalt serve thy brother (be under his authority) and it shall come to pass thou shalt have dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neckquot Genesis 27:40. And the war continued between Jacob and Esau. In Genesis 27:41 we read: quotAnd Esau hated Jacob (enmity) because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand then will I slay my brother Jacob. quot Jacob was determined to kill Jacob. Jacob had hit Esau where it hurt the most. Jacob got the wealth as part of the birthright he had taken away from Esau. That is probably why Esau married Hittite women, because of his lust for power and wealth. And that seed is the same way today. They control the money around the entire world. They are called Edomites because of Edom, the color red, which is what the bowl of pottage was. Esau was also very redruddy and hairy. And to this day it is still their mission to kill Jacob. Esau never succeeded in killing Jacob, but to this day the war continues and the seed of Esau, the Edomites seek to get rid of Jacobs descendents, which are primarily todays Christians and believers in Yahweh. Jacobs descendents became known as Israelites. Esaus descendents also became known as Reds, which is also seen as the symbolic color of Communism. All of the quotismsquot were created by the serpent seed such as Socialism, Nazism, Humanism, Liberalism, etc. and are the backbone of the first beast of Revelation 13 which is the same scarlet colored beast mentioned in Revelation 17 with seven heads and ten horns. Also notice the prophecy that Isaac gave Esau that he would live by the sword and take dominion over the earth. In Rev. 13:10 we read the first beast lives by the sword, will take dominion over the earth, and will die by the sword. Same seedline. It is the New World Order and Zionism that carries the Serpent Seedline today. It is ruled in the background by the Illuminati families of the Serpents Seedline. It is Satans master plan to bring the entire world under a global government through the New World Order so he can rule. Satans seed will make war against the Lambs seed (believers, Israelites and Judahites) quotthese shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. quot Rev. 17 Today, the world banking EdomiteHittiteCanaanitecounterfeit Jews under Satans rule control the worlds economy and preparing the world for global government and the rise of their master, Satan as the Antichrist. In the book of Obadiah there is a prophecy written to the Serpent Seedline of Esau for the last days. The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock (they hide themselves away from public view with their underground bases), whose habitation is high (world authority, political authority) that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground (arrogance of their power and strongholds) (verse 3) Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle (Illuminati symbol), and though thou set thy nest among the stars (space stations and planetary bases), thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. (verse 4) How are the things of Esau searched out How are his hidden things sought up (Esau is working through deception and lies and keep their real plans hidden from public view). (verse 6) Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom (the Learned Elders of Zion, which rule behind the scenes). and understanding out of the mount of Esau (authority) (verse 8) And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that they may be cut off by slaughter (the Lords judgment on them when He returns). For the violence against thy brother Jacob shall cover thee (war on the saints), and thou shalt be cut off forever..(verse 9) But, upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau for the Lord hath spoken it. (verse 18) And saviours (judges) shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount (authority, government) of Esau and the kingdom shall be the Lords. (verse 21) Today we have many claiming to be Jews, but are not Jews, and are liars. They are the church of Satan, the synagogue of Satan and are worshippers and followers of him. And what are they doing today Conquering the world for the Antichrist to rule from Jerusalem. In every nation, in every major event, the Edomite Jews have been behind it. Although the Edomite Jews dominate Israel today there are a remnant of real bloodline Jews there as well. These are the ones the Lord will protect during the Great Tribulation. Look at America today, who is running the White House The Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain. Who was arrested for treason during WW 2 by Congress for trading with the enemy Prescott Bush. Who announced the formation of the NWO in America His son, George Bush, Sr. Who is president of America today George Bush, Jr. What do the Bushs have in common with Edomite Jews They are all part of the Serpent Seedline of the Illuminati. The Illuminati are at the top of two particular races of people known as the Edomite Jews and the Sons of Cain. And it goes all the way to the top where the Illuminati rule directly beneath the Jesuits. The Jesuits answer directly to the Black Pope. The Black Pope position is the real power position in the Vatican as opposed to the quotwhitequot pope position. Most think it is the Pope who rules from the Vatican. He may reside there, but the real power in the Vatican is hidden, and its in the position known as the Black Pope. Black meaning hidden or secret. Today, Hans Van Kolvenbach, holds the title of the Black Pope. And he is second to none on this earth in establishing Satans rise to power. He is literally Satans right hand man. So what do we have today The false Jews in Israel being called real Jews. And the real quotJewsquot not even knowing who they are. We are being led to believe by the churches today that Satans chosen are Yahwehs chosen people. Now are you ready to scream Orthodox, Reformed, and Messianic Jews disown the Jews running Zionism in Israel today. Not only are they Edomite Jews, but they are also known as the Khazar Jews as well. In 692 A. D. the Khazar Kingdom was established. These were people that had adopted Judaism as their official religion because of the real Jews that lived among them and proseletyzed them. From that point on they passed themselves off as real Jews with a right to Palestine as their homeland. They are not lovers of Yahweh but haters of Him. They are of the same ancestry of Esau whom the Lord hated. The offspring of serpents of whom the Lord told them straight out were of quottheir father the devil. quot It was those of this seedline that instigated His crucifixion. They had infiltrated as the Pharisees in Jesus era and still dominate the quotJewish nation today. And these are the ones the churches believe are the quotchosenquot ones of the Lord. If they did 5 minutes of research into Israel today they would realize their error. Instead, they keep recycling errors and falsehoods week after week, month after month, year after year. We are told by our churches that we must support Israel or the Lord will bring His judgment on this nation when it is the fact that we are supporting them that IS BRINGING His judgment on this nation. Israel today is the prophecy of evil figs of Jeremiah chapters 21-24 and the evil fig tree that Yahweh cursed. He wasnt cursing His own people, but those He hates, the serpent seedlines of Esau and Cain. Jesus said, quotVerily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done. quot Mountain is often symbolic of government or authority. The evil fig tree is the false Jews, the chosen people of Satan. Hes telling us to rid the earth of the authority of the Edomites and certainly not to support it. But are we doing Sending millions of dollars in financial aid and weapons to them yearly. Do you see the irony now Do you see WHY judgment is coming to America If the Edomites are the ones inhabiting Israel today and the ones who call themselves Jews and are not, who and where are the real Jews Scattered. America IS Israel. We are the tribes of Israel scattered all over this country along with the other white nations. The Jews of old were not dark skinned people. Noah was platinum blonde with blue eyes, David was ruddy with red hair. Ruddy meaning he had flushed cheeks, he could blush. Dark skinned people dont blush, neither are they born with blonde or red hair. Esau is also described as ruddy and hairy. The Israelites back then were a white race. And who are the white races today Im not saying this to be racist Im just telling you how it was and is. It was Noahs grandson Canaan (from Ham) who was the father of the darker skinned races, even the Arab races of today, Sheba and Dedan etc..were linked to Ham through his son Canaan. If you read in Ezekiel 37:12-14 amp 23 the Jews are not in the land of Israel today, they will not being regathered into the land, and will not be until the Lord returns. So the whole faade of Israel returning to their land in the last days is not true. When the Lord returns He will regather His people from the ends of the earth to the land of Israel and not until then. So who are the ones there now The imposters. Havent you ever wondered why Yahweh hated Esau Before he was even born Why would the Lord make such a statement Because there are many things that He hates and Esau was one of them (Mal. 1:3). He hated the Serpent Seed and He knew what Esau would do. The Lord told me: The mixture of My children with the serpents seed was something I allowed to serve My own purposes. Just as I allowed Satan to defile My garden, I allowed him to defile my people. The way to truth and righteousness is through Me. It always has been and it has not changed. My priests served the people, they did not sanctify them or make them whole. I alone can do that. Todays priests seek to save which they cannot. They lead My people to errors and doctrines of man that cannot save them, nor do they honor or please Me. Tell them I am the door. There is no other. Those who want Me must walk through My door to Me. There is no other way. They worship Baal and call him their god thinking I am the one they worship. My judgment will come on this carnal and wicked system of religion. It is not of Me. Religion profits man, worship and sacrifice profits Me. Sacrifice the cares and wants of this world for the cares and wants in Me only and you will never be unsatisfied. I can give you your hearts desires. This world cannot fulfill you. This world is an endless form of greed and want. Never satisfying, it waxes worse and worse, evil and more evil. Yes Mithra has hidden through the ages behind every god and he will ultimately rise again to counterfeit Me and My Word. I will reveal this to you because you seek My face, you seek Me, and I will reveal great things to you because you are humble and faithful. I love you child. Tell them the world had run its course, its almost time for all the prophecies of old to be fulfilled. Many will never be ready. But stay in Me for I have many things for you to accomplish before the time. Time is short. Daily seek Me so I can use you. I have shown you many things in just a short amount of time. I will show you even more. I love you My child. If you could only see how much you make Me smile and know how much I do love you, you would never feel or want for anything again of this world. Youre almost there child. Yet you still have things of Me to do in a short time. Be faithful. Be still and hear My voice I love you, your Father, the Most High. Not only do we have the sons of Cain running the corporations, governments and secret societies that govern most of those we have the fallen angels still trying to breed with mankind, just as in the days of Noah. Right now there are Reptilians in the White House, Draconians in the Vatican, and Greys in our skies abducting people around the world to use in breeding experiments, and for many, even eating them. Measures our government has agreed to cooperate to with these evil twisted beings to keep these things silent and has funded disinformation and discredited campaigns, projects, magazines and organizations to keep the truth from ever being discovered. Which is why, today, the official denial of the existence of UFOs and aliens is, in fact, an official denial. In exchange, they have reaped alien technology through black operations and have carved out of the earth underground joint human and alien bases where this exchange of technology and learning takes place. All funded by the tax payers. The Bible says quotthey will mingle themselves with the seed of men, quot and also in Daniel, we are warned of iron mixed with miry clay that will not cling to one another. It is impossible for those created and made in Gods image to cling to those who simply want to destroy them and arent even human. This last kingdom, the prophesied fourth and terrible beast kingdom that will arise in the last days, is an alien nation. For now, they roam earth awaiting their chance to destroy and kill mankind in their envy and rage for mankind being made in Gods image. Soon the Lord will take His hand off of America and lift the veil allowing them to reveal themselves. The presence of Aliens is nothing new to planet Earth. They have been here for thousands of years. Their Biblical identification is one of being fallen angels who rebelled against God and were kicked out of heaven. Their most notable name is Annunaki or Anuk. Who were the Annunaki They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahwehs creation on earth. They were created by God as perfect angels. These Watchers rebelled against God and a mutiny followed as they lusted after human women and abandoned their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them. quotWhen men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and they took wives from among those that pleased them. It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown. quot (Genesis, Chapter 6, from the Jewish translation of the Torah.) According to the Bible: quotNow it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. quot quotThere were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men of old, men of renown (Gibborim).quot Genesis 6: 1- 4. quotAnd the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day. having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh (human), are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. quot Jude 6 amp 7. quotFor God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly. quot 2 Peter 2: 4-5. The Bible says quotthey will mingle themselves with the seed of men, quot and also in Daniel, we are warned of iron mixed with miry clay that will not cling to one another. It is impossible for those created and made in Gods image to cling to those who simply want to destroy them and arent even human. This last kingdom, the prophesied fourth and terrible beast kingdom that will arise in the last days, is an alien nation. For now, they roam earth awaiting their chance to destroy and kill mankind in their envy and rage for mankind being made in Gods image. Soon the Lord will take His hand off of America and lift the veil allowing them to reveal themselves. The first Watchers who instigated the rebellion were judged accordingly. 200 Watcher officers, each in charge of tens of thousands of Watcher soldiers, abandoned heaven to mingle with earthly women. Even after the flood, many more rebelled and came to earth following their footsteps. These ones have not been judged yet. The bulk of these fallen angels from both of the earlier rebellions, Lucifers and the Watchers, have been imprisoned in the hollow planet of Rahab, aka Planet Nibiru, which is now returning to earth to help Lucifer overthrow and dominate the earth in the last days. It is in these last days that the Lord will allow them to be released from their prison to fulfill their end time prophetic role in helping Lucifer subdue the earth. In the Sumerian language, the term Annunaki meant quotfrom heaven who came to earth. quot The Annunaki had children that became known as the Nephilim, Rephaim, Emim, Gibborim, Philistines, Zamzummim, Anakim, Ivvim, and a few other names. The mixing of genes started with Cains daughters, the women of Cainnan who created a DNA defect called giantism. Their children were giants. Some were 30 feet tall. Aliens are not demons. Demons are the spirits of the dead giant hybrid children. These Watchers came to earth to be kings, emperors, priests, shaman, tuitongas, manitous, pharaohs, gods, and goddesses. They are the titans, pans, gods, goddesses, and fawns of Greek and Roman mythology. They have supernatural strength, psychic powers, and, often times, have six fingers and six toes. They want us to believe mythology is merely fiction, but it is not. Almost all of the characters are based on real Watchers or their hybrid children who played those roles while on earth. Yes, a lot of it is dressed up to make these characters heroes and gods and goddesses, but you can glean some real truth concerning what was going on back then, minus the garbage they threw in to make them all nice fairytales. The Anuk are known to be shapeshifters and cannibals. They sacrifice humans, drink blood, levitate objects, astral travel, report the future, practice magical arts, and teach the art of war. They are the masters of astronomy and astrology. They taught mankind abortion so that they could keep certain women beautiful for sexual pleasure. They are the creators of the alien hybrid greys and UFOs of modern times. They can shapeshift into reptilian form and then back into their own. They can be 7-9 feet tall on average. They are the armies of the Antichrist. They are the inhabitants of hollow Nibiru They will be enforcers of the mark of the beast. And as the Lord has told me, quotMens hearts will fail with fear when they see these beings on the earth. quot This earth is going to be cluttered with the tall, the ugly, and the damned. And its coming sooner than you think Yahweh has given me visions in the Spirit of the fear and terror which will take place as these giant Anuk return to earth via Nibiru (and just rise up from their underground hideouts) and overthrow America and then the world. At first, they may appear friendly, sincere, and offer to help earth struggling to survive from wars, natural catastrophies, and famines to deceive the world to invite them to our planet. But the facade of friendliness will not last. They will overthrow our government, replace the law of the land, and dominate this land as they walk through it putting all people in subjection and fear of them. In America there will be millions of these giants along with the hordes of unhuman looking aliens of every shape and size and grotesque features that were part of Lucifers rebellion who lost their angelic looks as part of their judgment. There will be riots and uproars. People will run for their lives and try to fight against them. Sheer panic and the horror over this dominate and massive alien presence will sweep across America. Martial law will be declared, and those who fight against the aliens and the NWO will be terminated. They will be everywhere, wicked and evil. They will force mankind here in America to commit unspeakable sins and atrocities and kill those who refuse without a second thought. They are not coming as our friends. They are complete haters and enemies of mankind who will make Americans their slaves. They will walk through our neighborhoods, towns, and cities in every state and hunt the believers of Yahweh. They will enforce the mark of the beast. They will help Lucifer take physical control of the earth. They will maim, kill, rape, imprison, and terrify humans everywhere around the globe. As famines escalate because of natural catastrophies and wars, they will eat humans as prey. Yahweh told me this: Do you see the picture developing The last days are TERROR WOE Woe to those who will seek to harm My little ones My own I will protect, but Woe to the planners of evil and those who plan to destroy the world I will allow it and then MY Judgment will come Many pieces to the puzzle, I will show them to you and reveal My Glory through you to the nations. My child, know this that the last days are of suffering and terror. Such terror has never been known before, those of old (Anuk) will walk and control the earth. They will commit and enforce evil of every kind. And when I return there will be more of them than man left. Woe Woe Give them the warnings of terror to come so that they will find peace and strength in ME. For I shall lose nothing given to Me. Those in MY hands ARE MINE. Many will be tested but they are MINE. To be refined in the fire and then set gloriously in MY light. Tell them child. Tell them no one can even begin to imagine the horrors that are coming. Your safety and refuge are within ME The mixing of fallen angelalien with human DNA led to a giantism defect in the DNA of the hybrid offspring and an eventual, almost complete, contamination of, not only the human DNA, but the animals as well (beastiality was common). By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination and to destroy the hybrid giants and deformed animals, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA. But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting, and even more were punished and cast out of heaven, losing their first estate and habitation as they continued to defile women and human DNA. At the time Israel left Egypt, they had to conquer some 20 cities of the Watchers giant children to reclaim the land of Israel as their own. The Watchers were known as the Nephilim, Annunaki, or the heroes of old, men of renown as mentioned in Genesis 6:4. Over the years, the human hybrid giant races were destroyed through wars and by their own corruption. The mixing of alien and human DNA did not vanish, it just went underground. Most humans today have contaminated blood in their DNA. Although the human hybrid giantism defect was perfected, the original Anuk are still giants. This hybridization and corruption of the human DNA is still today very much a part of our world, and most hybridization goes undetected. It never stopped from the beginning they just perfected it, creating their own humanserpent seed lines to mingle with humans. So why is the church silent on UFOs, Aliens, abductions, implantations, and forced breedings These Annunaki are not our creators. You can read in Enoch chapters 6-15 how they were created beings by Yahweh in heaven and were assigned to watch over the earth. When they rebelled, they were cast out of heaven, their first estate, although they do still reign in the first and second heavens and inhabit other planets and star systems visiting Earth in UFOs. Many of them live in underground hideouts here in the earth. In the following years, the Theory of Evolution will be discredited from the very founder, supporters themselves, and their pawns. You can see this happening even now. They will then promote through Government Disinformation Scientists that mankind was created in a test tube by these Annunaki and that these Annunaki are our creators. This is part of the grand delusion and lie at the end of the days. And we are in the end of the days. Instead of preaching the truth, our churches changed the truth to lies and preached the quotSons of Sethquot faade, changing the truth of Scriptures. These angels were the Sons of God who rebelled against Him. Our churches also sat back and allowed the Book of Enoch to be taken out of the Scriptures. What this did was hide the worldwide hybridization and the truth concerning who these aliens are and what they are doing. Why To keep people in the dark and unprepared for the great lie that is coming. They could not pull it off if everyone already understood who these aliens really are. Many pastors today are following the drumbeat of their training seminaries and not God. They are following mans wisdom, not Gods while religious leaders arent preparing their congregations for what is coming, and in their own ignorance, they do not even realize theyve been deceived themselves because they refused the truth as it is in Yahweh, and they have blindly accepted only what man has told them to believe or teach. The Lord has told me that in the coming days, these Aliens will make their presence more visibly and physically known on earth. They seek only to destroy mankind. Right now they are infiltrating many groups and organizations and claiming through gullible people to be ascended masters who want to help mankind. Do not believe their lies. They speak with forked tongues. They say they want to help save the earth while they plan its overthrow and destruction at the same time. The veil is being lifted. In the near future, even more than there are now, many people will start to proclaim the truths of aliens in our midst. However, not everything they say is true. Their real purpose is to push a dark hidden agenda and to hide the real truth. They will even televise worldwide an interview with an quotalienquot who is nothing but Satan himself in Alien form. Many of the lies being put out is for this specific reason: To inform the public on the paranormal, occult, UFOs, earth changes, and to herd and brainwash the people into believing that the Aliens from outer space are our creators, our forefathers, ascended masters, and enlightened ones. They are creating the foundation for the biggest deception that has ever been perpetrated on mankind. That mankind is a creation of these Aliens and that they are our gods, and therefore, there is no real God the Bible will be wrongfully discredited, and they will proclaim that there are no such things as natural God given rights. It is about World Government and total control over the surviving masses by the elite of the occult secret societies. And that is what these incremental brainwashers will try to do. These Aliens are not extra terrestrial they are terrestrial and subterranean. They live within our earth and parts of our sky. The Bible explicitly tells us that Satan is the prince and the power of the air. It also tells us about demons, hell, hybrids and the Nephilim and Annunaki. The Illuminati are the Nephilim. The Bilderbergers, the main group within the Illuminati also known as the Shadow Government, are the hybrid children of the Nephilim. Mutations of Nephilim DNA over the generations negated the giantism defect thus allowing them to infiltrate amongst the nations undetected. Many of them infiltrated and intermarried with the surrounding races to contaminate human DNA. At the same time, a select few of the Nephilim were kept aside to keep their DNA pure and uncontaminated from strictly human DNA. To keep it pure, they intermarried between themselves. Just as Yahweh would have a pure, uncontaminated seedline, so would Lucifer and the Nephilim. The parents of these Nephilim children in charge of keeping certain lines uncontaminated would become their controllers. These controllers, working behind the scenes, today represent these 13 Illuminati bloodlines and rule through 13 super wealthy families. These controllers are Aliens and a mere faction of Lucifers Kingdom, controlling world governments through their children. The New World Order is a vast network of organizations and secret societies encompassing government and religion. Like the New Age Movement, it is vast network of loose conglomerates all working together to bring about a common cause. In this instance, the New World Order network is working to bring about one world government where the New Age is bringing about a New World Religion of pantheism. In other words, there is a council of Aliens who rule the earth through their children whom they have placed to dominate the banking, marketingcorporations and governments. These whom we call the Illuminati, are Biblically referred to as Nephilim. This group of hybrid Illuminati children would dominate in every generation through banking and politics. They would dominate Money and Political Power. The Illuminati is the uncontaminated strain of hybrid blood. Uncontaminated from being 100 pure human DNA that is. The only way to keep it that way is by interbreeding amongst themselves. They consist of 13 family bloodlines that are ruled by their quotparents, quot also known as, Aliens. They are a very secretive group of occult practitioners whose strict bloodlines have been around for thousands and thousands of years. It is not a boys club but a very well structured organization consisting of people in the highest offices of government, politics, entertainment, and religion. These people are the super wealthy, who stand above the law. Many of them dont even appear on the lists of the wealthiest people in the world so that they can remain secret. Here are the names of the 13 families also known as the Secret Government or Shadow Government: 1. Astor 2. Bundy 3. Collins 4. DuPont 5. Freeman 6. Kennedy 7. Li (Chinese) 8. Onassis 9. Rockefeller 10. Rothschild 11. Russell 12. van Duyn 13. Merovingian (European Royal Families) The following families are also interconnected with those above: 1. Reynolds 2. Disney 3. Krupp 4. McDonald Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds of others that are connected more distantly to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentioned here they are considered less powerful and less pure by the 13 Elite Bloodlines although the others make up the bulk of Cains seed. Those in these particular 13 bloodlines are the top players on the International playground and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scenes (yes, they are mostly men, with a few exceptions). They are known as the quotBlack Nobilityquot, the Decision Makers, the ones who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny because they cant stand being scrutinized or questioned. Their power lies in the occult and in the economy. Politicians dont run the world, the bankers do. The Illuminati knows very well since the inception of the ages that money creates power and through their children they own all the International banks, the oil-businesses, the most powerful corporations of industry and trade and they infiltrate and control world politics. They own most governments and control all elections ensuring their candidate always gets elected. Free elections are for entertainment purposes only. If you checked the family lines of American presidents and their ancestry you would find they are all related containing Illuminati bloodlines. So what are the goals of the Illuminati To create a One World Government and a New World Order for Satan to come and rule over. The human aspect, the children of the Nephilim, these Illuminati hybrids are deceived into thinking they will rule the world with Satan, but Satan will have no need for humans when he arrives with millions of his forces to take over the world they established for him. They will find out how expendable they are and no longer needed. The goal of a one world government has been in the planning throughout the centuries away from the publics eyes within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret levels of initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is probably the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Satanists who practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer. quotThe Light Bearerquot, and by occult practices they manipulate and influence the masses. It doesnt matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. And they take it very seriously. They dont believe in Satan, but their own definition of Lucifer and what he is to them. From occult technologies given to them by the Aliens they have developed mind control technology and hypnotic suggestion. By taking over the Movie Industry, the Record companies, and by their control of the Fine Arts, they know how to influence the masses to accept their kind of reality. This makes sense if you look at what kind of quotentertainmentquot we are enforced to enjoy. It is the Illuminati who created and controls Hollywood and they influence and condition the masses through ET movies and dooms day films revealing what is, or what is going to be, or what could be. They subtley reveal their plans through Hollywood. The Secrets of the Illuminati One of the first secret societies to merge out of the nations of mankind was the quotBrotherhood of the Snakequot, a secret society that refers to Satan (the Great Serpent) back in the Garden of Eden. The Illuminati consider Satan as the good God since Satan gave man knowledge and Yahweh to be evil for trying to suppress the same. It is from this viewpoint that Satanism was developed and is practiced within the secret societies of all ages. The Illuminati have always ruled over the secret societies, under various names throughout the ages. In this day and age, they are known as the Illuminati, or, quotThe Enlightened Ones. quot What they dont want you to know is that they are shape shifting reptilians. There are two aspects to the Illuminati, the human and the Alien. The human aspect that we see, generation from generation are as children of the Nephilim controlled by their parents, the Anunnaki. It is their hybrid DNA that allows them to shapeshift back and forth between reptile and human forms. An ability that is developed through not only their DNA, but blood drinking and rituals that allows for the presence of reptilian hosts to possess them. The original Brotherhood of the Snake split up into different groups over time as a result of inner fighting and disagreements. As a result groups such as Freemasonry, Scottish Rite, Rosicrucians, Knights Templars, the Knights of Malta and others were formed but always led by the Illuminati itself. Public relations campaigns have always been the forefront to keep people away from the real purpose of these societies, such as the Freemasons who believe their society is one of charity and good works. Rarely is the true purpose revealed unless an initiate is of the highest ranks. Officially all secret societies are charity organizations and they will go to great lengths to give the public this impression and use those in the lower ranks as pawns for this purpose. The Illuminati claims to have invented the different religions, sects and cults so the masses would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what they were actually doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to enslave people and to spread conflicts between religions. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars to serve the agenda of the Brotherhood. It is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who head the Illuminati today working to bring about what they refer to as The Golden Age - The Age of the Antichrist. Secret Societies and the Illuminati believe that power is attached to symbols and thus the symbols of the Illuminati revealing their massive infiltration into every aspect of our society are flagrantly displayed on corporation logos and religious symbols. Simply put, they are everywhere. The world is full of their black magic symbols. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols around, the more magic power to them. The insignia of the Illuminati and the New World Order is the quotPyramid with the All-Seeing - Eyequot, which you can study on the back of the U. S. One Dollar Bill The All-Seeing-Eye is the Eye of Horus, which is the Eye of Lucifer, and goes back to the Egyptian era. The One Dollar Bill was designed by President Roosevelts administration. Other common symbols are the pentagram (five-pointed star), the hexagram (six-pointed star - The Star of David), the Swastika reversed (the way Hitler used it) and the pyramid in general. Almost every single president of the USA has committed treason when taking office by lying under oath. When a person belongs to a secret society they take oaths of loyalty foremost to that society or Brotherhood. That means that persons first loyalty is always to the Brotherhood This means that if this person has a specific post in society (like being President for example), his first loyalty is to the Brotherhood and second to his post as President. So he has in fact double loyalties Every president swears an oath of loyalty to protect and defend the Constitution of America, yet these societies have an agenda and purpose that betrays and destroys the Constitution. All of these societies are secretly working toward a one world government not democracy no matter how much double-speak they blab. Neither are they working to protect and defend the freedoms of the people but they devise ways to enslave them under a fascist rule. Those at the very top of the societies are tested to see whom their loyalty belongs. In Freemasonry at the lower 30 degree levels the initiate is asked to spit on the Christian cross or the Bible. If the initiate refuses he is told he did the right thing, yet never advances from that point on. In fact, most dont even know that Freemasonry goes well beyond the 33rd degree level and all the way up to 360 degrees. If the initiate spits on the cross or Bible he is advanced and allowed to move on up the chart where he is then allowed to become more involved with the real purpose of the Society which is black magic and Satanism and given more knowledge of the secrets of the society. What are the big secrets of these societies and the Bilderberger faction of the Illuminati That they are in communication with Aliens, the real power behind the society and that their purpose is to bring about a one world government for these Aliens to rule over. They will learn that those in the society and factions are subservient to the Alien forces that rule and sit at the top of the chain of command in the ruling hierarchy. They will also learn that one of the instrumental ways to accomplish their goals of a one world government is through mind control and occult and Satanic power used to manipulate the masses. They will use conditioning mediums such as Hollywood and the music industry to control and manipulate the masses into accepting the reality of a New World Order and the presence of Aliens on earth. And what do they get in exchange for going along with the goals of the Alien Illuminati If they agree to sell their souls to Lucifer they will be rewarded with power and wealth. But upon their death Lucifer gets their soul in return. A high price to pay for temporal success and wealth on earth. Those who sell their soul to the devil become possessed by demons who will torment them if they should ever go against the goals of the society. The Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and Council of Foreign Relations are all groups within the Illuminati. The United Nations is the World police for the Illuminati. It was founded to be able to step in and take military control over a country or a region which is countering their Agenda or rebelling against them. These groups contain political leaders from the President of the United States to leaders of other countries. They include politicians, bankers, media personalities, it is a literal whos who of those in the public domain. Their purpose is a World government by 2012 It is the Bilderberger group that is often referred to as the Shadow Government. This group contains elected leaders from various countries who betray and sell out their countries to serve the purposes of the Brotherhood and the Illuminati. It is high treason, and this is what our elected officials are doing. The time is coming closer and closer when America will be invaded by thousands, perhaps millions of UFOs and aliens, armed and ready to overthrow our government and population, in collusion with our own government to even do so. Our military will be defenseless against them. They will not come as friendly beings from outer space but as hostile enemies. It is these Aliens themselves who have been working through the different factions, secret societies and world elite to bring about the NWO and global government. They puff up and promise leadership roles, fame and fortune in the coming global kingdom for those in these societies who cooperate with them and help bring it to pass. But those in these societies and the Brotherhood will learn soon enough why Lucifer-Satan is called the Father of Lies. He will betray and kill them all when He rises to power. Do these people really think he would share his kingdom with anyone Murder, mayhem, betrayal, double crossing, and an Alien invasion. The time clock for America is ticking. Can you hear it as loudly as I do The Lord is Warning America today. The Aliens ARE coming. The veil is being lifted and the Alien Nation beast kingdom, prophesied by Daniel and John, will come to pass enabling the Alien beast kingdom to take over the whole world. If you are fence sitting, its time to get off the fence. If you are backsliding, its time to get back with Yahweh. Time is running out, and unless He protects you, there will be no place to hide. The only safety we have is in Him. Many will be hidden by Him, and yet many more will suffer martyrdom and testing for His sake. Be prepared for the days coming ahead and stay focused in Him. It isnt time to go to sleep.

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